Page 62 of Indian Summer

A coat of mascara and a pinky/plum lipstick and I was ready. I transferred all my stuff from my usual purse into a smaller cross body purse that had a sequin trim. It wasn’t too flashy but wasn’t dull like my tote either.

I caught the bus into the city centre, I didn’t want to drive and there was no way I was taking the bike. My boots were the reason I had opted for the bus and within three blocks regretted my choice of footwear. However, I was hiking tomorrow so I better toughen these feet up. Though blisters probably weren’t the best way to go I mused.

J & Sons Auto Repairshop greeted me just off Madison Avenue. It was a one-story warehouse building with a corrugated roof. It had three metal roller doors and a small annexe that seemed to be an office. I walked across the yard and knew I had been spotted when the wolf whistles started.

Feeling very uncomfortable I plunged onwards. I saw Tattoo Neck who was walking out towards me. It suddenly clicked that this could be Jay’s business, or at least his dads? He never mentioned his dad but if Tattoo Neck was here, then I was betting that they were the ‘sons.’

I hesitated in front of Tattoo Neck, his eyes ran over me and I fidgeted. He licked his lips and I found it difficult to meet his eyes.

“He’s in the shower,” he greeted me.

“Oh, ok. Um, I’ll wait out here then,” I said as I looked around the yard, there was absolutely nowhere to hide. His laugh annoyed me, I looked at him and I was irritated that he was still lazily looking me over, like I was a piece of meat. He was wiping his hands on a cloth and I took in his appearance. Torn jeans, a black wife beater showing off more of his tattoos. Good grief there wasn’t a spare piece of flesh on his entire body, he was tattooed everywhere it seemed. His grin was lazy as he watched me assess him.

“What?” I snapped. His eyes narrowed and I realised belatedly that this was maybe not the tone to take with him.

“His last piece of ass used to go in and shower with him,” he commented. I felt myself tense. I wasnota piece of ass nor was I going to give him the satisfaction of rising to the attempt to rile me.

“Well, as you said, she’s history and I am sure Jay’s capable of cleaning himself.”

“I dunno, she used to clean him out real good. Used to take a long time too.”


Instead I smiled and didn’t budge. His laugh was low and throaty and he flashed that smile at me. Despite his words and his obvious danger vibe, the smile transformed him. Good grief, he could be a model.

“Well, I’m good out here,” I reiterated. Much to my dismay he didn’t go away. He stayed standing right in front of me.Shit.

His grin returned, “C’mon you can wait in the office,” he said as he started walking across the yard. I reluctantly followed conscious of several pairs of eyes on me from within the garage.

“So, do you fight?”Holy shit where did that come from?

His grin turned wicked as he turned back to look at me. “Why? You done with the other brothers and moving on to the next set?”


“You’re funny,” I deadpanned. I looked away as he held the door open for me to the office. It was a simple counter and a chair, with a door that I surmised led into the workshop area.Welcoming. I walked in and looked around, willing Jay to come find me.

“Why you asking if I fight? Do I look like I have been fighting?” His eyes danced with humour – not the fun kind – as he gestured to himself. I turned back to Tattoo Neck to see him leaning against the doorframe.

I remembered my talk to myself this morning, when I had decided that asking Tattoo Neck directly was not my best option.

“Making conversation,” I muttered.Why was I making conversation with this guy? Because you’re an idiot Elle, the replying inner voice sounded more Colton than me.

“I don’t fight. I arrange fights. People fight for me,” was the smug reply.

“Why?”Seriously Elle, shut up!

“Why not?” I flicked my eyes back to him and he was just standing there, perfectly at ease as if we were discussing the weather. He crossed his arms in front of him and I noted the bulge of muscles as he kept a steady gaze on me. It wasn’t like he couldn’t fight I surmised.

“What makes them fight for you?” I asked it softly. He straightened and walked into the office, he leaned into me and I forced myself not to take a step back.

“If your boys haven’t told you, what makes you think I will?” He smirked. A cold shiver ran down my back and I forced myself to hold his eyes. He flashed that mocking smile at me and turned and walked through the door and back into the workshop.

The breath I had been holding expelled itself forcefully and I felt myself start to shake.Holy shit that had been intense.

“Darling.” I jumped about twenty feet in the air. Jay laughed out loud at my reaction. I’d been so fixated on watching Tattoo Neck walk away I hadn’t noticed Jay entering from the other door.

“You are looking too good, you been here long?” I ran my eyes over him. He was channelling his inner country boy rock singer look again. His hair was loose, grazing his chin, he had overgrown stubble, a black Henley and worn faded jeans. Black biker boots completed his look.