Page 47 of Indian Summer

Matt:I’m sorry

My resolve hardening, I put my phone in my pocket and resumed walking. I was sorry too Matty but sorry wasn’t enough.

The rest of the week was uneventful. I got a phone call from Matt on Saturday morning. I didn’t pick up, but even though I was proud of myself for not bending, I was missing my friends. The call rang out. I let out a sigh, problem solved. The phone rang again. Matt. I lurched for the phone and snapped “What?”Well aren’t you a little ray of sunshine?I winced at myself.

“Hi Ari, mom and I will be outside in five, are you ok to meet us downstairs or will we come up?” Forced cheerful Matt was painful to listen too.

Shit,it was family weekend, how had I forgotten? I hadn’t even sent him a list of things or booked us on anything.Shit Shit Shit.

“Ari?” Matt asked again, more persistently. I knew he was worried I was going to bail. That would mean an explanation to Mrs Landers and Mary Ellen Landers was not one to be messed with.

“Sure, um, I’m just putting my shoes on,” I muttered. I hung up and raced to my bedroom. I was wearing loose cotton shorts and a pyjama top. It was 9:30 on a Saturday morning and I had absolutely nowhere to be. Why would I be dressed?

I threw my clothes off, and then stood frozen in panic. What the hell was I going to wear? Where the hell was I going?Shit!

I raced into the bathroom and turned the shower on and then ran back to the bedroom. Flinging open the wardrobe door, I grabbed the first thing I saw. A yellow sundress, it had thin spaghetti straps, an empire line and then fell in soft waves to just above the knee. A quick glance outside confirmed we were still suffering this stupid heatwave in October. Starbucks had already had Pumpkin Spice Lattes out for about a month, and here I was picking out a sundress. I glanced quickly at the dress, did it need to be ironed? Argh it would have to do!

I ran back to the shower, barely managing to get wet all the way round. Then I jumped out and was in front of the mirror with a hairbrush in one hand and a hair tie in the other whilst running back to the bedroom. I threw them both onto the dresser as I searched in my drawers quickly, grabbing some underwear. I don’t even know what colour it was. Then I had the bra off and was searching for a strapless one instead.

The sundress was chucked on, backwards. Obviously.C’mon Ari! Focus!A quick wiggle and it was on properly. My phone buzzed. No no no they couldn’t be outside. How was that five minutes? My long hair was a mess, I brushed it out quickly and up into a messy bun it went. A quick coat of mascara and I was putting lip balm on as I locked the door.

I ran to the top of the stairs and winced. Oh my God, I forgot to put on shoes! Who forgets to put on shoes? I yelled ‘two minutes’ down the stairs and was back in the apartment. A pair of simple black flats were slipped on and this time I even remembered my wallet and purse.

I locked the door again and was heading down the stairwell before I felt myself exhale. Matt was leaning against a black Lincoln looking at his watch. His head raised as I clattered down the stairs. He grinned at me, I glared at him in return. The grin grew wider. He leaned down and kissed my head as he held the door open for me and I slid into the car across from his mom.

Mary Ellen Landers looked immaculate. She was always superbly turned out. She was wearing a pale blue skirt suit, with a silk white blouse underneath. Her signature pearls were round her neck and her pale golden hair was in an elegant chignon. Her make-up was light but perfect. She smiled when she saw me. Next to her, I looked like I had been dragged through a bush backwards. I wasn’t even sure what I actually looked like. I shifted slightly on the seat. Bra? Check. Panties? Check. Only God knew in this moment if the colours matched.

“Arielle.” She greeted me. Her smile was warm and I returned the smile.Had I brushed my teeth?I genuinely couldn’t remember. Oh dear God, I’d had strawberries and yogurt for breakfast, what if I had seeds in my teeth!

Matt slid into the seat beside his mom. I sat across from them, my back to the driver. I didn’t recognise him, no doubt he came with the car.

“Looking good Bit,” he greeted, “casual but good.” I glanced at him sharply.Casual?I felt the panic start.

“Matthew tells me we are going to the Library first Arielle?” Mrs Landers asked me.I’m going to kill him.

“Yeah mom.”

“Yes,” His mom corrected immediately. Matt flushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

I noticed what he was wearing. Dark chinos, a navy button down and brown loafers. He was what was termed as “smart casual”.I’m definitely going to kill him.

“Yes mom. Ari was really excited to see the exhibition they have on English writers. You know that’s her passion, she thought it would be the perfect start to the day,” he grinned at me. If his mother hadn’t been in the car, I would have punched him. Because Ididwant to see it and thiswasthe perfect start.

“Well that sounds delightful. Arielle, I must apologise for Amy Louise, she is feeling slightly unwell. David and Jessie aren’t here yet, so Theo is looking after her at the house. She’ll join us later this evening I am sure. However, it means you’ll just have me today.”

I glanced quickly at Matt. His grin had soured when his mother mentioned Amy was in the house with Theo. David and Jessie were Theo’s parents, I had never known them to actually turn up to anything on time. Theo was alone with Amy, I bet she thought she had died and gone to heaven. My grin was a little too full as I smiled at his mom.

“I do hope she feels better soon. Theo is the perfect person to look after her,” I nodded. Matt looked green. Ha. “Is Mr Landers not joining us today?” I enquired.

Mary Ellen’s smile turned slightly sour. “Unfortunately, no. He and Jake Dawson somehow colluded to attend the football game. They roped in Connor and Colton of course. Family weekend shouldnotbe spent at the football field.” Wow. She was not happy at all. I received a full smile and I genuinely felt bad for Matt’s dad. “However, they willalljoin us this evening. He will spend time with his son this evening and all day tomorrow. You mark my words.”

I didn’t doubt her. Matt looked even worse. I felt sorry for him. Then I caught up to the conversation.Jake Dawson? This evening? What’s going on?

Matt was looking entirely too smug. Oh, he knew I’d just realised what his mom had said. I needed to find out what was going on. At that moment, his mom reached over and took my hand.

“I am so very sorry to have heard about the unfortunate passing of your father Arielle. He was a wonderful man.” She squeezed my hand and I nodded in recognition. I felt tears threaten and she squeezed my hand again. “Matthew told me I should not upset you by mentioning it. However, I just cannot sit here and not acknowledge it.” I made some form of noncommittal reply. She withdrew her hand. “Now, let us not dwell on sadness. Matthew said you reserved us quite an eventful day. I am very looking forward to it. What time is lunch set for?”

An eventful day? Lunch?Now I was going to scream.