Page 22 of Indian Summer

“No.” Matt said. “We only found her a week past – she didn’t want to be a problem for you.” I seriously loved this man, he was the brother I never had.

Connor relaxed, he grinned at me. “Wouldn’t have appreciated being the last to know,everytime,” he joked.

A startled laugh burst out of me. “It’s not like that.” I said as I reached for his hand even though I had no right to do that, not really. His fingers curled around mine, I started to withdraw my hand, it was habit to reach out to him but I shouldn’t be. More importantly I didn’t want it to be. He tugged them slightly before letting go, almost acknowledging my internal thoughts.

“Right, well, I need to go find Corey, explain the whole “she’s my ex and means nothing to me” scenario.” Connor stood up from the table.

That hurt just a little, but I quickly brushed the thought away, I had no right for that to hurt. I stood too, brushing my top down to straighten it. I was in his arms in a moment, Connor crushed me to him and I admit, I needed it. I needed this hug, this hug from this man who had once meant so much. He didn’t let me go for a while and I was quite happy with my head on his chest. He pulled back and grinned at me, with those twinkling mischievous eyes. I grinned back at him.

“Love you Ari, I’m so sorry about your dad.” Another tight squeeze. “See you around.” He said as he left.

I looked at Matt and Theo, they were grinning. “Well that went well,” I said. I wasn’t sure I was questioning this or not.

Matt laughed and Theo ruffled my hair. We left the coffee shop, the boys discussing whether the rest of classes today were a write off or not. I trailed behind them wondering if this was a dream. Was Connor really ok? Did he mean it hadn’t bothered him, they were brothers after all? It made sense this wouldn’t have come between them, wait he said he loved me, did that mean like Matt and Theo did...would it be so easy with Colton? I pulled myself away from that thought. What had happened between me and Colton had changedourrelationship that was for sure. I don’t think it would ever be easy with us, not now. Well it definitely wouldn’t be for me.

“Lil Bit!” Matt was looking at me. Theo was laughing. I had spaced out again. Ugh I was useless. I didn’t deserve friends.

“Yeah?” I hurried to catch up to them. When I was alongside them, Theo slung his arm around my shoulder and hugged me to his side. I rested my head against him for just a moment, but it centred me.

“We’re going to go find a party.” Matt said. Theo fist bumped the air. I rolled my eyes. Of course, they were. “What are you going to do?” Matt asked, he took my bookbag and slung it over his shoulder.

“Go to class, I have another two this afternoon. That’s why I am here after all.” Ok maybe I was being a bit snippy? How could they be going to a party it was barely two in the afternoon.

“Awww don’t be a mean girl!” Theo joked. He pouted, his puppy dog eyes mocking me, then before I could react, I was over his shoulder. “Come with us and have fun. You look like a vampire you’re so white.”

“Theo for goodness sake, put me down!” I exclaimed.

“Nah, I can walk quicker to the fun with you over my shoulder, your little legs hold me up.” He slapped my butt as he marched along with me. I heard a few calls out to them, someone mentioned Theo not being able to wait. I was mortified. Matt walked along beside us, doing nothing to stop my predicament.

“Theo, I swear, I’ll pull your hair.” I grumbled. Matt laughed, he told Theo to drop me. So, Theo being exactly a man of direction dropped me. Thankfully he also caught me as I stumbled. He was grinning though. If I could reach, I would seriously slap him.

“I’m going to class; you guys know I can’t go with you.” I added lamely.

“He’s not here, Jake called him last night, he left in the middle of the night.” Matt said.

“That’s why Connor waited for me today? He knew Colton was gone?” I confirmed. It made sense really, it was easier to keep things like going for coffee with the guys simple, whentheguy wasn’t there to find out.

“Guess so. He didn’t say why he was going, just that he needed to go and would be back later.” Theo stood there rolling on the balls of his feet. He was restless, he obviously didn’t like Cole going in the middle of the night and when I looked at Matt, I saw the same unease there. Matt shrugged and turned away.

“Does this happen often?” I asked quietly. What would his father need him for in the middle of the night? I didn’t know what business his father did, I had wondered on occasion over the years if it was strictly legal but had never dared ask. Calling for your son in the middle of the night didn’t seem something like an above-board businessman needed to do, did it?

Theo said nothing, but he looked at Matt for direction. Matt exchanged a look with Theo and then smiled at me.

“Nothing you need to concern yourself with Lil Bit. Now let’s talk party.” They started off again.

“I’m going to class guys.” I called after them. Theo turned around, Matt halted, eyebrow raised. “Some of us need to learn!” I laughed at them. Both grinned and came back, two hugs later and they were off. Before I even had the chance to shout, Matt jogged back, another quick hug, bookbag returned, a hair ruffle and he was gone.

I turned to head back to the coffee shop, I needed so much caffeine. My head was a whirlwind of a mess. I needed to process.

It was a few days before I found Connor outside one of my classes again. Despite how we had left things – which had seemed positive – I was still a little apprehensive.

“Hey gorgeous.” He greeted me. His smile was huge and genuine and I was smiling back despite being a little uncomfortable about the greeting. It was how he always greeted me and I wasn’t sure it was still appropriate.

“Hi there. Everything ok?” I asked, Connor started walking and I had no choice but to walk along beside him.

“Yeah, you got another class?” He asked looking down at me.

He was wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans. I took the opportunity to really look at him. He had definitely filled out. Added some muscle to his formerly lean build. His hair was slightly longer and styled in a messy casual style. It suited him.