Page 52 of Indian Summer

“I genuinely almost died when she said Theo helped dress her,” I whispered to Matt smiling. Colton snorted in amusement beside me. Theo leaned over Colton to speak.

“What’s wrong with you man, she’s likefifteen...and yoursister!”Theo hissed at Matt. Colton leaned back slightly to give Theo room, but he was still chuckling. I hide my grin behind my menu and looked at Theo. I caught Colton’s eye and the two of us dissolved into laughter again.

“Children if you could behave?” Came the soft rebuke from the right of the table. I looked at the boys, they looked at me and we all just dissolved into fits of laughter.

“Seriously, what’s so funny?” Connor snapped from across the table. I sobered as I registered his agitation. I glanced quickly at Colton and saw his smile dim also.

“It’s nothing Connor – something that happened before you turned up,” Theo explained. I groaned inwardly, well that was going to be a red flag to a bull.

“Connor…” Jake Dawson interrupted his son’s rapidly climbing temper, “What time are we meeting Corey’s parents tomorrow?” Connor swung his attention to his dad and I think all four of us let out a relieved breath as he engaged with his dad. He leaned over and took Corey’s hand and then made a huge show about how he was meeting her parents. I didn’t say anything. I studied my menu and asked Matt what he was having. I knew this was for my benefit which seemed stupid to me.

I wasn’t a jealous ex-girlfriend, we had already had this conversation. I liked Corey. I waspleasedConnor had moved on. I felt Colton shift beside me, I had drifted out of the conversation again but tried to focus when I realised Matt was gripping his menu with more force than necessary.

I gave him a quick searching glance. He didn’t meet my eye. I turned my head to Colton to see if he had noticed. I looked over the table to note that Jake Dawson was also watching his other son from the corner of his eye. Colton was watching his dad and brother seemingly impassively, but something wasn’t right. I tuned into the conversation.

“Yeah you know how we always had that tension with Ari when you were home dad?”Oh my God he wasn’t doing this was he?“Well it’s such a relief to know how well you get on with Corey. I’m sure that I’ll have that instant connection with her mom and dad. I mean we’ve spoken on the phone but to meet them in person will be so cool.”

Jake had said nothing on the alleged tension, I noted. Corey looked slightly mortified and I was pretty sure my own cheeks were flaming.

“I mean, Jeff was always, well kinda ok?” He asked me as if it was a question. He shook his head ruefully “God though, your mum was a complete bitch Ari,” Connor looked at me.

I let out a dry laugh. “She was indeed, so much easier with her dead right?” I heard the gasps from the other table occupants. They wouldn’t have missed the scorn in my comment, aimed at Connor.

Connor snorted a laugh, “You’re playing the dead mom card? Seriously?”

Fuck the butter knife. I was going to gauge his eyes out with a spoon.

“That’s enough,” Colton directed calmly at his brother – he didn’t even look up from his menu. The table was deadly quiet.

“It’s fine Cole. Connor obviously has something he wants or needs me to hear,” I wasnotsitting here letting someone else speak for me or letting this go.

“Always so serious Ari. I was merely saying I was looking forward to meeting my girlfriend’s parents. I get on with them so much better than I ever did with yours.”

Why not just kick me in the teeth Connor?

I shook my head in disbelief. I was seriously about to let loose when the waiter turned up to take orders. Mary Ellen quickly regained control of the table as she checked we were all ready to order.

“You ok?” Matt asked me softly.

I didn’t raise my eyes from the menu. I nodded once. A warm hand placed itself on my leg, Colton squeezed once in support and withdrew his hand. It was small comfort, but itwascomfort.

The waiter was looking at me. I had absolutely no idea what was on the menu.

Colton quickly saved me, “We’re both having the soup and then the salmon. One without sauce please.”

How many times did he need to save me? It was my turn to slip a hand under the table and give a grateful squeeze of his hand. I went to withdraw my hand, but he tightened his grip and I left my hand in his. Under the table cloth, safe from prying eyes.

He’s just a friend giving you comfort Elle.I reminded myself. Tell that to the butterflies in my stomach though.

You’re no better than me…a whispered memory.

I withdrew my hand from his, as the rest of the table ordered and conversations started up again. Connor sat staring at us speculatively. I avoided looking his way, however, his brother didn’t. I could feel the tension rising.

“I need air,” I announced standing, “If you’ll all excuse me?” I walked away without a backward glance. Theo muttered something – I heard him push his chair back.

“What you both need air too?” I heard Connor scoff.

I turned back just as Matt stood, “No man, I just don’t want to sit here with you anymore.”