Tegan turned her head away as she too thought of the events of the last week. “I know, the threat was always a possibility, but it suddenly became very real.”

“We should rest,” Michael told her with a heavy yawn. “I think Rorik may give us one afternoon, and then it’s time to face the music.”

“My father is with Cord,” Tegan said suddenly.

“Yeah,” Michael grunted as he closed his eyes. “Why?” When his sister was silent, he looked over at her. “What is it?”

Tegan bit her lip before she looked at Michael. “I am not sure which one may kill the other first,” she confessed. “They will not fit well together.”

Michael looked at his sister’s wide eyes and obvious concern for either the most famous warrior Akrhyn of their time or the infamous Castor who bore the Mark of Velvore. His money was on Cord, but the very thought of the two males trying to get along for the sake of his sister? Michael started to laugh. Tegan’s harsh whisper thatit wasn’t funnymerely had him laughing more until tears ran down his face.

Pure Prime Castor Rorik stood outside the room of his two patients. He heard the male Heir’s laughter and then reluctantly, it seemed, the laughter from his sister. Rorik frowned but did not move to stop their merriment. He merely looked down the halls of the medical wing to ensure they were clear before he placed his hand on the handle and dusted it with the fine lime green powder as he whispered the incantation.

Confident that the room was sealed, Rorik hurried down the hall before anyone could witness his act.

* * *

Marcus was eating lunch and taking stock of the reports that were being sent to him while he stayed at the medical wing. He had a duty to many, to ensure the Heirs were safe, but he also wanted to be here for Elrick. The Lycan had healed well and accepted the loss of his eye with amazing calm, although Marcus was sure that Elrick had endured many days of pain before they had found him, and perhaps the loss of his eye was not as new to the Lycan.

“Why do you seem so sad?” Tove asked him lightly as she placed her fork down on her plate. Marcus brushed his shoulder-length hair off his face before he turned amber eyes to hers. His look was soft and gentle, and Tove hid her happy smile as he reached over and took her hand.

“I was thinking of Elrick and how much he must have endured,” he said quietly. “And I was also thinking I cannot let him leave here until he has told me every single thing he can remember about being held captive by them.”

Tove’s smile turned sad. “He has always been of a free pack; he will not know what you need. All he knows is he needs to return to his pack, his wife and his children.”

“He will have seen so much that he won’t even know he has seen,” Marcus said as he pushed his plate away with a sigh. “And we need a full debrief from the Sentinels that were in the patrol the Drakhyn attacked.”

“I know there is a lot to do,” Tove said as she took a drink of water. “We will get what we need,” she assured him.

“We are still no further forward to finding out the plan of attack, their movements, their plans.” Marcus ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head, turning away to look out over the eating area. He frowned when he saw Dark Prime Castor Lucas hurrying towards him with Rorik on his heels. “Lucas?” Marcus asked as he rose to his feet.

“Marcus,” Lucas said briskly. “I have been sent to fetch you.” Lucas gave the alpha a look that spoke volumes.

“Leonid’s murdered him, hasn’t he?” Tove asked, only half-joking.

“No, but I do fear that the Mark may be threatening to kill Leonid,” Lucas said seriously. He looked between the three of them. “It’s very long and complicated. I really do not have time.”

Marcus looked at Tove, who reached forward and kissed him lightly. “Go, I have the Heirs and Elrick, I know what you need me to do.”

Marcus reached over and kissed her more soundly than she had him. “Thank you,” he murmured before he turned to Lucas. “I am ready.”

Once they had portalled, Tove gave Rorik a look filled with heavy humour. “And then there were two,” she said with a light laugh. The Pure Prime Castor gave her a weak smile, and Tove felt a bit awkward. “I’ll go check on the children,” she said as she started to walk away, but his hand on her arm caught her by surprise.


“No?” Tove looked at the Castor and cocked her head in question.

“They are sleeping, they need to rest.” Rorik dropped his hand and flushed in embarrassment.

“Oh, of course.” Tove looked around the eating area and thought frantically about anything to say.

“Your friend, the Lycan, is awake,” Rorik offered.

“Oh good. Thank you.” With a dip of her head, Tove left the Pure Castor and made her way to Elrick’s room. When she got there, she knocked gently and then heard the faintcome in. “Hi,” she greeted the blond Lycan as she crossed the floor.

“Tove.” Elrick smiled in greeting as he looked past her. “No Alpha?”

“He has been summoned by the Mark of Velvore,” Tove answered glibly; it wasn’t technically a lie. “How are you?”