“I don’t understand,” Tove said as she searched his face in confusion.

“Lucas is not Cord’s mentor, Garrick is, but Lucas has been the eldest Prime of the three Primes for so long, he is amentorto Castors. Leonid is the Prince of the Made, he is not a father or even a father figure to Cord, but to the Made—”

“He is their father as he rules beside his wife,” Tove said in understanding. “And you arethealpha to the packs, all Lycans.”

“Cord needs the Ravens, and Salem is their father, he forged them both in really archaic terminology, but his son and his daughter form the Blade. The Prophecy is not one Prophecy, it is four or five different prophecies rolled in one.”

Tove stepped away from him as she considered it before she looked back at him. “It makes sense when you say it like that, why were we so blind?”

“We weren’t. It’s not every day you’re mentioned in a prophecy, we were bound to be confused.”

“What does it mean though?” she asked him as she came closer once again. “What does it mean for Lycans?”

“It means there is a battle to be won onallfronts. The Lycans will fight their battle, the Made are already fighting, Lucas will lead the Castors, and Cord will battle for the remainder.”

“Who are we fighting?” Tove asked as she frowned. “Aren’t weallfacing the same enemy? The Drakhyn?”

“Yes.” Marcus nodded. “And no.”


“I think the wild packs have joined with them.” He watched her eyes widen, and she shook her head in denial. “Listen,” he said as he reached out and pulled her towards him. “You have travelled these lands for longer and more recently than I, what is the feeling from the free?”

“That they are free,” Tove said with a sceptical laugh. “That as long as they stay within the boundaries of the Council, they are free.”

Marcus pressed his lips to her forehead and wound his arms around her. “You are not free if you are contained within another’s boundaries.”

“Marcus,” Tove whispered as she pressed her head into his chest. “I cannot bear to say it.”

“I know,” he replied quietly as he ran his hand over her hair. “I believe that is where we will find Elrick though,” he confided as he felt the heaviness settle over his heart. “I never thought I would live to see this,” he added sadly.

“Lycan fighting Lycan,” Tove murmured as she wiped her eyes. “It will ruin us.”

“No,” Marcus said sharply as he held her out at arm’s length. “It will make us stronger. We are Lycans. We are Akrhyn. Cornelius and others like him will use this to their advantage. They will use Lycan against Lycan as proof that we are less, when we are not. We need to know what has been promised to the free packs to know how we can fix it now and in the future.”

“We must be strong.” Tove nodded with determination. “You’re right, we must keep this quiet. Our battle with our brethren must be silent.”

“I will get to the bottom of this. There is not a Lycan out there that I cannot make submit to me, by force if I have to.” Marcus rubbed his jaw wearily. “We must move swift and sure,” he said as he looked at her.

“You want me to leave them?” Tove said with uncertainty. “They are so vulnerable right now,” she protested.

“Misty is one of the strongest Lycans I have met, and Nyla was an Elite; these females are capable of more than you give them credit for. Plus, Taras is a good pack leader, he will look after them both.” Marcus entwined his fingers into Tove’s. “I cannot do this without you.”

“Yes, you can,” Tove said with a knowing look. “You just don’t want to.”

“Guilty as charged.” Marcus smiled at her and was delighted to see the soft blush in her cheeks.

“Is it just to be us?” Tove asked worriedly.

“We will need some more,” Marcus admitted.

“Well, you have me,” Taras said from the doorway of the tent. “My wife will disown me if I let this fight pass me by,” he said as he walked into the tent. “And yes, I heard it all. And no, I’m not even ashamed I was eavesdropping.”

“I just finished saying you were a good pack leader,” Marcus muttered.

“I am, which is why I am fighting for my pack and all the packs. The free packs are wild, but they aren’t stupid; if they’re on the Drakhyn’s side, something’s happened. If they have Elrick, he comes back with me.” Taras crossed his arms over his chest and looked at them both. “I ain’t no Alpha, and I ain’t no legendary Tove Dalgaard, but I am Lycan and I will fight for my pack.”

Marcus looked at the Lycan in front of him. Where he had once been reckless and aggressive, he was still reckless but trusted. “We leave at sunset,” Marcus said. “I need twenty of your best, ten from each pack. Neither pack gets left short or weak. Toma is too young to fight, but he can lead; his mother will guide him.”