Marcus stopped running. Through the canopy of the trees overhead, he could see the moon shining in the cloudless sky, the shadows on the surface looking like the moon was smiling down at him. Every fibre of his being knew he was right.

They weren’t there for Cord, they were there to represent and protect Akrhyn.AllAkrhyn.

Cord had the Mark, what need did he have of an aged Vampyre, a bitter Lycan and a sceptical Castor? Marcus looked over his shoulder. He was closer to the pack lands than he was to the northern territory, but he knew he needed to contact Salem. The Mark of Velvore was sacred, coveted, and now he knew that there were times throughout their history the Mark had been given to one not worthy, because they had all forgotten the most important thing.

Velvore was an Ancient known for histrickery.

If Marcus had been in his Akrhyn form, he would have slapped himself on the forehead. They had been blinded and fooled themselves with their own misconceptions. So intent on the wonder of the Mark, they forgot to look at the bigger picture.

The snap of the twig in the undergrowth caused his Lycan ears to twitch. He had dallied too long. His epiphany had caused him to be careless. His left ear swivelled slightly as his tongue lolled from his muzzle, he could taste their filth on the air. In a very non wolf-like fashion, Marcus rolled his head as he prepared to meet them, and he bared his fangs.

Lycan venom was a paralytic to a Drakhyn, and the venom of an alpha bite was stronger and more painful. Slowly, Marcus turned to observe his assailants. Shadows moved from the trees, and his head cocked to the side as he considered them. They were strategic, they were organised, they were disciplined.

This was not an illusion.

As the first one sprang at him, with its talons extended, Marcus leapt to meet it. He may be outnumbered, but these filthy Drakhyn were about to be reminded thathewas theAlpha.

* * *

“And you felt it was necessary to take on an entire horde of Drakhyn, on your own, with no call out to any other Lycan in the vicinity?”

Marcus held the padding to his forearm even as he regarded Tove in silence. He watched her closely. He knew her well, and from his previous encounters, she had at least another two lectures in her.

“I am sure they were not a horde,” Misty said from beside him as she dipped bandages in ointment to aid healing. “The alpha would not unnecessarily put himself in danger because he was being reckless.”

Marcus and Tove both looked at the pregnant Lycan, one in guilt, the other incredulous. “I may,may,” Marcus conceded, “have been slightly reckless.”

While Tove rolled her eyes and flung a roll of bandages at him before she left the tent, Misty didn’t try to hide her smile.

“It is clear how much she cares for you,” Misty said as she started to wrap his arm. “It is more apparent than when you were last here.”

“Is it?” Marcus asked as he watched her. The female was heavily pregnant, her face drawn with fatigue that all mothers have when they near the end of their pregnancy. “How much longer?”

“Days.” Misty smiled sadly. “He would not miss this, Alpha.”

Marcus rested his hand on the smaller female’s, stilling her movements. “I know. I know more than anyone how much Elrick would be here. I am sorry I have not come sooner.”

“It is not your fault, you are honoured by the Ancients.” Misty gave him a teary smile. “You bring honour to us all.”

Marcus said nothing as he watched the female Lycan. “He left to hunt the Drakhyn who took the Principal Elder’s daughter?”

“Yes, he and Taras, they took their swiftest and strongest, but only half from each pack, so we wouldn’t be defenceless.” Misty looked away from Marcus as her hand stroked over her swollen stomach. “We remember too well what happened before,” she added quietly.

“The twins are well?” Marcus asked her gently.

“Yes, Toma is going to be a strong alpha for this pack.”

“Because he had strong parents,” Marcus told her with a smile. “We will find him, Misty, I promise.”

Just then, Tove came back into the tent. “Misty, you look exhausted. Let me finish this up, you need to rest. Nyla is already in your tent.”

As they watched the female Lycan leave the tent, Tove turned to Marcus. “Nyla and Misty have been sharing the closer they get to birthing. Taras is out almost constantly searching, and the packs are making do, but they sense his frustration and his panic.”

Marcus stood as he secured his binding on his injured arm. “I am here now.”

“And what is the great Alpha Marcus Volkov going to do?” Tove teased lightly as she came to stand in front of him.

“I realised the Prophecy is wrong,” Marcus confided in her in a low voice. He stilled her from speaking any further with a finger to her lips. “We are not meant forCordbut for Akrhyn.”