“Yes.” Salem nodded.

“He can be taught?”

“If he respects you, he will listen.” Salem wasn’t sure how else to put it, but he decided honesty was the best policy.

“The Flare runs deep within him. He fights the pull,” Leonid said quietly. “When he allowed me to drink from him, it was all I could taste.”

“So strong?” Salem asked in surprise.

“His blood is potent with it,” Leonid replied grimly. “It will not take much for him to lose control.”

“He has exceptional control,” Salem corrected the Vampyre. “Honestly, he is one of the most self-controlled males I think I have ever met.”

“Who are your others?” Leonid turned with interest. He saw Salem hesitate, and he continued, “Tell me. Are they in the room tonight?”

Salem didn’t need to look, he knew. “Yes. Marcus, Lucas…and you.”

“Interesting.” Leonid turned his gaze back to the Sisters. “The advisors are obvious when you think about it,” he said conversationally. “You are, of course, ingrained in the words as the creator of two of the elements needed to defeat the enemy.” His eyes lit up as Michael and Tegan entered the hall again. “And what a magnificent two they are.”

Salem’s mouth dropped open in surprise when Michael crossed the hall and unceremoniously punched Cord in the face.

“In the name of the Ancients,” he cursed as he hurried across the hall.

Halfway across the room, a scream pierced the air, freezing almost every Akrhyn in place. Spinning towards the noise, Salem was once again speechless. At the far end of the hall, a thick dark smoke had formed. Swirling wisps of darkness seemed to ooze as it slowly cleared to reveal a Drakhyn.

It was tall, dressed in a black suit with black dress shirt, its eyes were uncovered, and it surveyed the room casually, almost…leisurely. “You gathered them all in one place, just as I asked.”

Salem turned to see who it spoke to and saw Cornelius had walked forward, but he looked unsure as his gaze darted nervously around the hall.

“Where is she?” the Drakhyn demanded even as the Akrhyn within the hall seemed to remember they could actually move.

“I am here.” Tegan stepped out from behind her brother, who had been shielding her.

“You,” Tegan said with a calm recognition Salem was sure she shouldn’t have.

“Tiger,” it spoke as it smiled, revealing its fangs. “I have missed you.” Its black eyes ran over her hungrily. “You look…delicious.”

A dagger sailed straight and true through the air and bounced off an invisible barrier to lay harmlessly at the Drakhyn’s feet. It stooped and picked it up before throwing it with deadly precision. It hit a female in the throat, felling her where she stood, killing her instantly. Several went to aid her, but the majority of the hall stared transfixed at the Drakhyn that stood casually amidst them.

Its black eyes turned to Tegan again, and one hand rose, a finger curling as it beckoned her towards it.

Tegan noted that there was no talon. She took in the strong shoulders, the carefree smirk on its hated face. Tegan was brave, fearless, but despite what these Akrhyn here may think after her few months here, she was not reckless.

“What protects you?” she asked as she took a step forward, her voice steady. “You think you are brave? You think you are a warrior?” Her eyes assessed it coldly. “But you hide behind your shield of protection, as a child hides behind the skirts of its mother when it is afraid.” She looked upon the Drakhyn with no fear. “Do I scare you, monster?”

The Drakhyn laughed. “No, tiger, you delight me, and you will for years to come.” It smiled fondly at her before its gaze shifted to Cord. “You.” Its sneer was mocking. “I have been thinking of this moment for a long time.”

Cord walked forward, coming to a halt beside Tegan. His hand brushed against the back of hers briefly. “Really? You have?” Cord grimaced in fake apology. “I haven’t thought of you at all.”

The Drakhyn smiled humourlessly before it turned to Cornelius. “Give me the one I asked for,” it instructed coldly.

Cornelius’s throat worked several times before he was able to form words. “You should not be here,” he shouted loudly, panic lacing his words.

“Quiet,” the Drakhyn instructed, and Cornelius clutched at his throat. “You.” Its attention locked on Delilah. “Hand her over.”

“No.” Delilah looked at the Drakhyn in horror. “Why do you speak to me?” She looked fearfully around the room, her frantic search landing on Sloane. “I did not know,” she said to her son as tears spilled over.

“What were you told you could have?” Salem had regained his composure, his attention on Cornelius, who had a circle of Elite Sentinels around him. Marcus was making his way carefully to the Sisters, Leonid was doing the same from the other side of the room. Dark Prime Castor Chernov and Crimson Prime Castor Garrick had joined several of the Great Council members.