He opened his mouth, he closed it, he opened it again. “I don’t think I follow.”

“War. Fighting is a dance of battle. Whoever has the better footwork and better reach wins.” Tegan had walked around the greenhouse and was now back in front of him. “Courting each other, it’s just who has the fanciest steps and the more silver tongue for spouting poetry. Same dance, different beat. Either way, it’s a battle.”

Cord stared down at her before he looked away. “Well, this will be harder than I thought.”


“You’re impossible, pig-headed, and I fear no one has told you how babies are created.”

“Oh.” Tegan’s cheeks reddened. “Iknowhow babies are created,” she said quietly.

Cord was not dissuaded at her embarrassment. “You just compared my skills of courting you to a battle against Drakhyn.”

“Oh.” Tegan bit her lip. “That wasn’t entirely what I meant.”

“I would ask that you don’t try to explain any further. I think my ego is damaged enough,” Cord admitted dryly.


“Come on, little tiger, they will be looking for us,” Cord said as he offered his arm, his head still reeling from Tegan’s words. “It seems our talk about other things can be done when we have more time.”

“I didn’t thank you.” Tegan’s words rushed out hurriedly at the door to the greenhouse.

Cord looked down at her in surprise. “For what?”

“My father, you got him, for me…and the Prophecy, I know. But I know you put yourself in danger”—she looked away—“for me.”

Cord lightly grasped her chin and turned her face up to his. “I did.” Staring down into her eyes, he smiled softly. “I would do it again.”

“I know,” Tegan whispered. “Thank you.”

Lightly he tapped her nose with his index finger. “You’re welcome, now come.” He stopped and looked back at her. “Or you can give me a reward?” he said with a sly grin.

“What kind of reward?” Tegan asked suspiciously.

Cord’s sly smile hooked up the corner of his mouth. “What would you give me? A dance of battle or do you offer a dance of courtship?” he teased.

“No.” Tegan blushed furiously. “A…a kiss.” She gulped and looked away from the cool mockery in his eyes.

“I do not need a reward. I was playing with you. Leonid is needed for the Prophecy, and he is important to you,” he added. “Plus, Velvore almost killed me trying to get me to him, so even if we weren’t bonded, Leonid was always a priority.”

“Of course.” Tegan nodded quickly as she looked at her hands. “Then we should go.”

They crossed the courtyard quickly, her steps more hurried than before. Her stomach churned in embarrassment, and all she wanted was to be away from his side so she could die internally of mortification.A kiss?What had she been thinking? He was an experienced male, and she was no more than a silly, unsophisticated female making a fool of herself. Humiliated and distracted, she did not notice Cord’s heavy perusal of her.

As they reached the doors to the hall, he grabbed her arm and pulled her into an adjacent room. Tegan spun to berate him for his manhandling of her, but her words died on her tongue as Cord’s lips covered hers. His mouth moved over hers with a surety and skill she didn’t possess, and it was a few moments before she hesitantly returned his kiss. Her hands slid over his shoulders, one travelling to the nape of his neck as her fingers tangled in his hair. Cord’s hand slid down her back, resting on her behind. His boldness caused her to gasp into his mouth, causing him to deepen the kiss. Clinging to him, Tegan was soon caught up in his embrace.

Before she was ready, he broke the kiss. Tilting his head back, he looked down at her. “I wanted my reward after all.”

Face flushed and her heart racing, Tegan could only nod.

“Did you feel it?” Cord asked as his hand rubbed over his heart. “We’re never going to break it now.”

Tegan hadn’t felt anything other than him kissing her, but when he rubbed his chest again, she became aware of the slight tightness in her chest. Her eyes flew to his in alarm. “What is it?”

“Our bond just strengthened itself.” Cord stepped back, appraising her thoughtfully, noticing the small knowing smile she wore as she stroked her fingers over her heart. As he watched, his eyes were narrowing on her. “Was that what this was? You’re tying yourself to me?”

Tegan didn’t know what to say. Wordlessly she shook her head, but she could see the Castor’s fury mounting.