“We need to stop meeting like this,” he joked gently.

“I didn’t die,” Tegan said as she looked away.

“No,” Jameis said. “Though you really gave it one hundred percent effort.”

“My brother died,” Tegan said as tears filled her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Tegan.”

She nodded in acknowledgement before turning her head and closing her eyes.

* * *

The second time she woke, the Three were in the room. The room was dark with only the moonlight shining outside.

“You let him die,” Tegan said as she glared at them.

“He fulfilled his role,” Agatha said sadly. “His fate was spun the day he took his first breath.”

“He wasHeir,” Tegan bit out.

“Child.” Ada stroked Tegan’s hair gently. “There can only ever be one Heir,” she echoed Tegan’s mother’s words.

“Then it should have beenme,” Tegan snapped. “I was ready, he was sogood.” Tears ran over her cheeks. “It should have been me.”

“Your role was much different, child,” Agatha told her with a sad smile.

“You still have a role to play,” Aryna told her.

“I amdoneplaying,” Tegan snarled as she glared at them.

Tegan turned her head away from them, and when she looked back, they were gone.

* * *

When she woke the third time, Zahra sat beside her. Red-rimmed eyes met hers, and Zahra reached out, taking her hand.

“You didn’t come for me,” she said with a sniffle and a tremulous smile. “So I thought I would come to you.”

“I’m sorry.” Tegan felt the tears fall. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

“He was so proud of you, proud to call you sister,” Zahra said as she wiped her eyes. “He loved you very much.”

“I loved him too,” Tegan whispered. “I never told him.”

“He knew,” Zahra said softly.

“Thank you.” Tegan squeezed her sister’s hand. “I should have done more, been better.”

“You did everything you could,” Zahra told her as she stood. “You should sleep, the healing is almost done.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come for you,” Tegan said quietly.

“You’re here now, Tegan.”

The door closed quietly behind her as Tegan stared at the ceiling.

* * *