“I just say no?” Bryce bit out tersely. “As her Commander, I can order her to stay.”

“Commander,” Jasper said quietly with reproach. “It will never work, plus, Tegan will only follow us. Unless you plan to tie her here?”

“This is not what we were asked to do,” Commander Bryce grumbled as he walked into the Headquarters. “Have you seen Crimson Prime Castor Garrick?” he asked a House Akrhyn.

“In the library, Commander.”

“Thank you.” He and Jasper walked quickly to the library and found Garrick surrounded by books and parchment. “Garrick?”

The Crimson Prime lifted his head, ignorant of the fact he had ink on his cheek, or the fact he looked entirely at peace in his studies. “Ah, Commander Bryce, Elite Sentinel Jasper, how are you both?”

Wordlessly Commander Bryce handed over the message and the accompanying list. Garrick lost his relaxed air as he read it and got to his feet.

“We must start at once,” he said solemnly. “How many do you propose to send?”

“One company per area,” Commander Bryce answered. “I will need more Castors.”

“Yes, I will send for Pure Castor Jameis and Miriam.”

“Rorik’s right hand and your wife?” Jasper questioned.

“It is sad but true, I simply don’t know who to trust,” Garrick confessed sadly. “Our world is in upheaval, and I know Jameis is too righteous to be Dark, and Miriam, well, she is my wife.”

“But she isn’t a Castor,” Jasper said in a low voice. “We will need a Castor to move us into position.”

“No, but Miriam is better at reading people, and she will bring me someone we can trust,” Garrick explained.

“Three companies, three Castors,” Commander Bryce confirmed. “Tegan cannot go.”

Garrick nodded as he tidied the desk. “I agree absolutely. You can be the one to tell her.”

Jasper failed to hide his snort of laughter as Commander Bryce cursed vehemently as he left the library. He turned to look at Garrick, who gave him a wink. “Chicken,” Jasper laughed.

“You don’t get to my age by putting yourself in dangerous situations.”

“Wise,” Jasper said with a grin. “But...he is my Commander, and she is my partner,” he hesitated. “I better go and see if Bryce survives the afternoon.” Jasper headed out of the library and made his way to the training rooms where he knew both Tegan and Michael had been working out this morning.

As he reached the training room, he listened at the door first, and hearing silence, he gritted his teeth, knowing he would rather hear shouting. Silence was dangerous.

Tegan stood in front of Commander Bryce, her arms folded, her sword perched against her leg. Michael stood beside her, talking quietly to her while her glare held her Commander captive.

“Hey,” Jasper said as he joined them. “You haven’t killed anyone?” he jested.

“You get to go?” Tegan demanded.

“I will.” Jasper spread his arms out in front of him. “It’s what we do,” he added, “those of us who are only Elite. You are more, Tegan, don’t be foolish.”

“Iaman Elite Sentinel,” she growled. “I earned my place here; I was not sent here to be mollycoddled.”

“Tegan, a Drakhyn that can shift into a wolf as well as Cast has declared to every Akrhyn possible that it wants you for its plaything,” Jasper told her bluntly. “Are you so eager to run into its den?”

“Of course not!” Tegan snapped at him angrily. “But I am an Akrhyn first, I am everything else second. Our people are being targeted, murdered in their homes, who am I fighting for if I stay here, hidden?”

“You are not hiding,” Commander Bryce reasoned. “You are being sensible.”

“What he means,” Garrick said as he joined them, “is that there is a reason why you are important, Tegan, and although it pains me to say it, it is not to get captured on a House check.”

“They are being murdered,” Tegan stressed through clenched teeth. “Does Cord know? Salem?”