Salem looked at Bryce as the Commander made his way towards him. “Actually, Jasper,” Salem called, “tell him to head to the kitchen,” he instructed. “Come on, Commander, you look like you could do with a pot of Martha’s herbal tea.”

“Do I look that bad?” Bryce grumbled as the two males headed to the kitchen. “The war hasn’t even started, and I’m exhausted already,” Bryce said bitterly.

“You’re still recovering.” Salem referred to the injury that the Commander had sustained during the Drakhyn invasion of the Headquarters.

“Excuses won’t stop the oncoming battle.”

“No. But knowing and understanding our limitations may be the difference in winning a war,” Salem answered sagely.

“Very true, Principal Elder, very true.”

When they arrived at the kitchens, Salem was not surprised to find Martha was still there. Having her within Headquarters made him reminiscent of the past. She had been Celeste’s House Akrhyn, but while she had been here during Celeste’s training, Salem knew his father had tried several times to persuade Martha to become the head of House Akrhyn here at the Headquarters. She had refused him every time, but that hadn’t stopped him asking or prevented Martha from being involved in the running of the House Akrhyn. She had left when Celeste did—her loyalty to her charge had always been clear—and when Celeste went with Leonid, Martha had followed.

“Martha,” Salem greeted her as he and Bryce walked further into the kitchen. “It is late.”

“It is,” she answered with a smile. Her hair was more grey than brown now, her face lined with more than a few wrinkles, but her eyes were still bright and knowing. “I had a feeling that I may get late night visitors looking for either hot chocolate or…my teapots.” Martha was already blending tea leaves and spices in the bowl in front of her.

“Tegan came to you before she left?” Salem asked as he took a seat.

“She did, like her mother in that regard.” Martha smiled proudly. “Was brief, as always, but she never leaves without finding me first, if she can.” Martha poured the tea mixture into a teapot and added the hot water. “Commander, tea?”

“Please,” Commander Bryce said as he removed his coat.

“Michael will be here soon,” Salem told Martha and gave a light laugh as the older Akrhyn stepped aside from the teapot and nodded to the pan on the stove.

“Already got it simmering for him.”

“I swear you’re a Castor,” Salem said to her.

“Pah, just an Akrhyn who knows her household.”

“Hey,” Michael said as he entered the kitchen, Jasper following him. “What’s going on?”

“Come sit, we have a lot to talk about,” Salem instructed. He looked over Elite Sentinel Jasper and considered him for a long moment. The Sentinel froze at the scrutiny before he looked to his Commander nervously. “Forgive my memory, Elite Sentinel Jasper, your House?”

“My House is small, Principal, my father’s allegiance leans towards House Ainsworth.” Jasper’s feet moved nervously before he stopped himself.

“House Ainsworth is an ally of House Holt.” Salem smiled lightly.

“Principal Elder,” Jasper confirmed with a sharp nod.

“Who is Heir of your House?”

“That would be me,” Jasper answered uncomfortably.

“That’s how I remembered it,” Salem told him as he looked to Martha and saw she was already pouring tea into a third cup. “Join us?”

“Principal?” Jasper’s eyes were round as he glanced quickly to his Commander for confirmation.

“War is coming, I need counsel, and I need those who I trust. You are a strong Elite, an Heir to a House loyal to this Headquarters; am I wrong to extend this trust to you?” Salem asked the Elite Sentinel.

“No, you are not.”

“Then sit. We have a lot to plan.”

With a momentary hesitation, Elite Sentinel Jasper sat down at the table, murmuring his thanks when a cup was placed in front of him. He looked around the table at his Commander, his Principal Elder and the Heir to the Headquarters and wasn’t entirely sure why he was being brought into the inner circle. However, his father had always told him that he needed to seize opportunities in order to stand out, to be noticed, and although Jasper was sure that this was exactly one of those opportunities not to be missed, he just wasn’t sure that he was ready to be noticed.

“Martha?” Salem asked as he took a drink of his tea.