“I do not think I want you to go.” Tegan sounded bewildered at her admission, and Cord fought his smile as she would only misinterpret it.

“I do not think I want to go, which means Imustgo.” He drew back, and she looked up at him.

“The bond makes feelings real?” Tegan’s question was a whisper in the room.

“I think it makes feelings that you may have developed anyway, happen quicker.”

“Like speed dating?” Tegan gave him a soft smile. “Without the dating, just the speed.”

Cord’s forehead pressed against hers again. “Where did you learn of speed dating?” he asked, failing to hide his humour this time.

“Sloane.” Tegan grinned impishly at him.

“Of course.” Cord closed his eyes in mock despair. When he opened them again, his look was solemn. “You must,must, be safe. Do not take any risks, do not run into danger without thinking.”

“You mean, don’t be like you?”


“I cannot promise; it is not who I am.” Tegan’s hand came up and cupped his face. “And what will you promiseme, Castor? Willyoustay out of danger?”

“I think danger is destined to find me, little tiger.” Cord leaned into her palm.

“Do not let her be your mistress, Castor.” Tegan looked at him fiercely. “You are cleverer than that. The Mark of Velvore does not ruleyou. Prove me right.”

Cord nodded and stood straighter, then his lips brushed Tegan’s forehead. “I have to go; my brother is waking up.” Cord stood back.

“Castor.” This time it was Tegan’s hand that clutchedhisarm, stalling his departure from her room.

“Little tiger, do not look at me like that,” Cord warned as he sighed heavily. “It is the bond…remember.”

“I know, of course.” Tegan dropped her hand as she turned away, a blush spreading across her cheeks. His hands turned her swiftly, and her eyes closed as he pressed a soft kiss against her mouth, his teeth tugging gently on her lower lip as he pulled away.

“Be safe,” Cord murmured against her lips before he portalled out of the room.

Seconds later, Sloane opened the door and came into her bedroom. “Are you okay?”

Tegan started as she looked at her cousin. Her finger rubbed over her bottom lip, and then she gave him a bright smile. “Yes, I am fine. I slept so well.” She looked past him into his room and saw the rumpled sheets, discarded pillows, and for an unfathomable reason, a lot of weirdly contorted balloons.Were theysupposed to look like animals?“You?” she asked him instead, trying to drag her eyes away from a balloon that was…a giraffe?

“My brother had a sleepover, and now, in true Cord style, he has vanished.” Sloane shrugged, but Tegan saw the disappointment in his face.

She walked over to him and opened her arms wordlessly. Sloane looked startled for a moment but gratefully took the comfort she offered him. “He will not be gone for long,” she told her cousin softly.

“I know, I just worry for him,” Sloane admitted. “He thinks he is invincible.”

“Well, he is too infuriating for most Akrhyn, and I am sure the Ancients agree,” Tegan teased, “and for that, I am positive he will be on this earth for a while longer.”

Sloane laughed and ruffled her hair. “You will eventually like him, Tegan. He grows on you.” Sloane headed back into his room.

Tegan watched her cousin as he started straightening his covers. She worried his brotherwasgrowing on her. She just didn’t know if it was him, her or the bond. More importantly, she didn’t want to find out. Did she?

“You okay?” Sloane asked her curiously.

“Yes, why?”

“You keep rubbing your bottom lip.”

“Hungry.” Tegan dropped her hand as if scalded.