“Because they do not favour the bearer.”


“One was a Sentinel who workedwiththe Drakhyn,” Lucas admitted. “The other was a…”

“A what?” Cord demanded.

“A Drakhyn.”

Cord stood and looked at the Prime in shock. “No.”


“It cannot be. Itcould notbe.” Cord shook his head.

“It was,” Lucas said heavily.


“No one knows.” Lucas sat on the bed as he rubbed his forehead. “The Mark was discovered once the Drakhyn was killed.”


“Twenty-one years ago.” Lucas met Cord’s curious glare. “It was your father who killed the Drakhyn.”

Cord sank back onto the bed. “My father? Myactualfather?”

“Yes,” Lucas confirmed. “Olezka killed the Drakhyn in single-handed combat. Your father said later that the fight was incredible and he barely made it out alive. However, hediddefeat it, and it was when he was getting ready to burn it, he found the Mark.” The Dark Prime walked over to Cord’s desk, and pulling out the chair, he sat down. “He called for me and Joaquin Holt.”

“I did not know you were at my father’s beck and call,” Cord murmured as he thought about what the Dark Prime was saying.

“Must you be so testing?” Lucas snapped in exasperation. “I was a friend of your father’s, you know this.”

“I do.” Cord nodded as he looked up and graced the head of the Dark Cast with a rare smile. “I do know, and I appreciate the stories you have told me of him over the years, Lucas. Arflyn knows my mother has told me nothing.”

Lucas snorted his disdain at the mention of Cord’s mother. “Your mother is blind to who she once was.”

“She’s blind to many things.” Cord stood and paced his room, ignoring the huff of agreement from the Dark Prime. “What does this mean?” He looked at Lucas in consternation. “Does itmeananything?”

“I do not know, but despite my initial disappointment, I was not wholly surprised that you would bear the Mark.”

“Because my father killed the Drakhyn that bore it?”


“Not because I may be worthy of bearing it?” Cord asked with a resigned sneer.

“You do not seek validation for anything else you do, Castor, why are you fixated onwhyyou bear it?” Lucas also stood. “You should be exuberant that you have it.”

“But if it’s for evil?” Cord drew in a deep breath. “I am not evil…”

Lucas stepped in front of the young Castor and placed a hand on his arm. “You are not evil, Cord. You are arrogant, impulsive, incredibly self-assured for your age and not even remotely likable most of the time.” Lucas smiled in amusement when Cord fixed him with a piercing glare. “Butyou are determined, you are loyal and you hate,hate, Drakhyn. I know not what you have been doing with the Lycan, and some small part of me is afraid to ask.” Lucas withdrew his hand from Cord. “But I know it is not for evil, and even though I may not understand it, I know your intention is not to harm any Akrhyn.”

Cord stood silently watching the Dark Prime with an unreadable look. He nodded once and stepped back before turning back to his bed. “Thank you for the words, Prime Castor Lucas.” Cord turned back to the older male in his room. “I appreciate the vote of…confidence? If that is what it was.” His smirk made the Dark Prime lose his own smile. “I do not appreciate the spell you placed on me though. I wish it would have worked for you, I really do.” Lucas stepped back from the younger male with unease, his eyes flicking to the door of the room. “As you cast your binding spell, I’m afraid I cast my own. A counter spell, one may say.” Cord also looked to the door. “They have not been able to hear you since they arrived outside my door, and now they cannot get in. I cannot be apprehended. Not yet.”

“Cord! My words were true,” Lucas told him quietly. “You do deserve the Mark. You just need to be strong enough to fight it. If it gains too much of a hold on you, it could be your destruction.”

“It has not led me wrong yet,” Cord told him as he packed a bag hurriedly.