“How do you know?” Tove asked as she made her way back to her.

“They would have taken her long ago,” Tegan told the group. The wolves that stayed in their form, she knew Marcus was telling them through the alpha link.

“Maybe they needed to be sure?” one of the Elite Sentinels said. Tegan wasn’t sure of his name, but she had sparred with him when Jasper was wounded.

“No.” She looked at Tove. “IknowI am right.”

“What do you suggest?” another Sentinel asked. He was looking between Marcus and Tegan curiously. “We cannot leave her, she is Akrhyn.”

“I do not for one minute suggest that we leave her,” Tegan confirmed quietly. “I do suggest we need to hurry.”

“You are the one that stopped us,” the same Elite Sentinel reminded her.

“Thank you, I had not forgotten.” Tegan rolled her eyes again, and Marcus bit his lip to stop the smile at her sass. Sass she didn’t have until she met her cousin. “I stopped us because that thing we discussed in the Principal’s office is no longer relevant.” Tegan eyed Marcus meaningfully. “Also,” she hurried on before anyone could ask more questions, “I believe they have taken her as a decoy.”

“Explain,” Marcus commanded.

“There are five female Akrhyn here.” Tegan looked around. “The same five that were in the woods the day the Akrhyn first came forward. The same five Akrhyn that were at the ball...and now we chase them deep into the woods. Woods they have been in for years. Attacking Lycan.”

“You know of the northernmost packs’ troubles?” Marcus asked curiously.

“I do. Father did. He and Tove.” Tegan glanced at Tove who nodded.

“You think the one they seek is here?” Marcus said quietly, his eyes on Tove.

“Yes.” Tegan also looked to Tove. “They knew your name.” Her voice was quiet, but in the still of the night, it was loud.

“Me?” Tove gave a startled laugh. “I have hunted for them my whole life. I have been in the packs seeking Drakhyn sympathisers for months, years!”

“But you have never been alone, not really,” Marcus mused. He quickly looked to the other three female Lycans. “We don’t have time for the delay or the loss of numbers, but I think we need to send you back.” The females protested, and the Lycan female in her wolf form whined in unison with them. “I cannot risk it. I cannot be the one to deliver the one they seek right into their arms.” Marcus suddenly cursed out into the night. “No, I cannot. You have to head back. All of you, including you, Tegan.”

“Me?” Tegan imitated Tove’s shocked laugh. “You know it is not me.”

“Do we?” Marcus said as he shook his head. “Was it confirmed? Did your father get you checked over by a Castor?”

“No,” Tegan said through clenched teeth. Again she looked to Tove. “Tove, tell him it is not me.”

“Like it is not me?” Tove scoffed. “I cannot believe I am saying this, but I agree with Marcus. All female Akrhyn need to fall back.” She sighed long and loud. “Call for the Castor.”

“What?” Tegan knew her eyebrows were in her hairline as she stared at her friend in shock. “You would have him come here?”

“Call for the Castor,” Tove repeated more firmly before she turned to the other Lycans. “You need to move on. We are five experienced warriors; we will be fine until he arrives. You cannot lose the Principal’s daughter.”

“Tove...” Marcus looked around uncertainly, and then he nodded tersely. “Be strong, be swift, be safe.”

The sentiment was repeated amongst the others, and then the remaining male Lycan were shifting into their wolf form. Even Marcus. Tegan could not look away as she took in the majestic dark furred wolf. He stood taller than the others as his eyes burned a beautiful amber. With a growl, they turned, and the pack melted swiftly into the trees.

“You had to have your epiphany when we were hunting,” one of the Lycan muttered. “I have not hunted for many weeks.”

“Well, I haven’t called the Castor yet,” Tegan told them slyly. “We can start back, and I will call for him.” Tove met her grin, and she shared a quick look with the other females. The Lycan in her wolf form had changed back to Lycan and was busy dressing against the cold air.

“I say we head back on foot but keep a keen eye on the trees for the filthy beings,” another Lycan said eagerly.

Tove nodded. “Yes, let us hunt, sisters.”

Tegan grinned, and the five of them set off with Tove leading point. Tove did not take them the way they had come, being careful, but it meant they veered off into the deeper forest, where Drakhyn were known to nest. Darkness sought darkness in the depth of night. The females made good time, and Tegan knew she had not held the hunt back when they ran for Zahra.

A low whistle caught her attention, and Tove changed direction to a thicket. As if they had done it all their lives, the five fanned out surrounding the area. Tove drew her sword slowly out of her holster as she stalked forward with confidence.