“Fine.” Tegan glared at them all before turning away from them and thinking of the Castor. She wasn’t sure how to call him, so she thoughtofhim, and then she remembered their last morning together. His lips pressed against hers as he spoke to her. Telling her he couldn’t be near her. That she made him weak.Weak. He wasnotweak. Her fingers traced her lips absently before she turned, knowing he was behind her.

“You rang?” His lazy drawl was instantly irritating to her. Her eyes flashed in anger, and his smile was wicked even as his eyes laughed at her. Cord looked around the room. “What’s happened now?” he asked with a sigh. “Honestly, I’m beginning to think this whole Headquarters would collapse without me.”

“Zahra has been taken by the Drakhyn,” Sloane told his brother quietly.

Cord instantly became alert and took in Tegan’s hunting clothes. “No.”

“No?” she repeated.

“Whatever you want me to do, I refuse…unless Tegan stays here.”

“You have no right to tell me what to do!” Tegan cried out as others protested in the room.

Cord glared at Tegan and then looked at the others, his glare landing on Tove. “This one? I have to takethisone who tried to killmeand my mate?”

“Fine, Tove and I will travel on foot,” Tegan declared in exasperation. Cord spun to her, furious, and opened his mouth to speak when Salem cut him off.

“Castor Cord Ivanov,” Salem’s voice rang out in the room. “You are a Castor of the Crimson Cast, and your division lies within the northern territory,myterritory. There are nine Elite Sentinels waiting for you. The longer you take wasting time in here, the further my daughter gets taken from me. Do as I command.”

Cord regarded Salem for a long moment before he bowed mockingly. “Very well, Principal. It seems I am yours to rule.” He swept out of the room without a look for anyone else.

Salem bit his tongue from his angry retort as he saw Tegan share a look with Sloane. She hugged her cousin briefly, and he watched as Sloane took solace from her. He whispered something to her, and Tegan nodded quickly. Michael caught Tegan’s arm as she made to leave, and the two clasped hands before she was heading for the door. She turned in the doorway to look at Salem. She gave him a smile and a wave before hurrying out to meet up with her comrades. Salem knew he shouldn’t expect more from her, but he was still slightly wounded that all he got was a smile and a wave.

Tove and Bryce had also left, and Salem looked at Marcus as his Second stood before him. “Elrick will track them?” he asked, hearing his own hope in his voice.

“Yes, he is a good hunter, more so now that he has been in charge of the pack for so long,” Marcus assured Salem. “He is fast too. The pack has a lot of fresh blood in it, younger blood. They have done well.”

“And you trust him?” Salem knew it was a rhetorical question. Marcus would not have called for someone whom he did not trust, which led Salem to his next question. “And Tove?”

“Is best with me,” Marcus affirmed.

“I know you think you know what you’re doing,” Salem said under his breath. “But remember what she has done.”

“I will never forget.” Marcus clasped Salem’s shoulder before he too left.

“Are you going out to say farewell?” Michael asked.

“No, Cord will already have taken them.”

“You sound sure?” Michael said to his father as Sloane left the office, and Michael hurried out after him.

“I am positive.” Salem rubbed his forehead.

“You need to sleep,” Kallie said to her Principal quietly. Salem had forgotten she was in the room.

“How will I ever sleep knowing they have her?” he asked the young trainee softly.

“You need to be alert when she comes back.” Kallie looked at the Principal with sorrow. “She will need you.”

“It seems to have been a long time since any of my children needed me.” Salem meant to be light-hearted, but he knew he failed when he saw Kallie look at him sadly.

“Try to rest, Principal. So much has happened here in Headquarters. We are still recovering.” Kallie headed to the door. “I will ask the kitchen to send you tea.”

“Thank you.” Salem watched the door close and slumped into his seat, his head falling to his hands. His head was reeling from all the information and the last few days’ events. He wasn’t sure how to be there for the Akrhyn who relied on him. He had Elite Sentinel on the trail of the Drakhyn and Zahra when he realised, as he sat there, no one had mentioned his mother. The Drakhyn would not need her if they had Zahra. Would they?

Salem stood and strode to the door. He needed another search party: Talia Holt was missing, and he suspected she may have the answers he needed.

Cord had confirmed with Marcus they were in the right spot, and Marcus and Tove had spoken quietly to each other before confirming they were as close as possible.