Tegan opened her eyes when she felt the wet snow on her face. She looked at the Silver Lake house and watched in disbelief as Cord marched with purpose to the house. Running after him she overtook him as he approached the door, glaring at him over her shoulder, she pushed against the door. It was locked. Cord was already at a window, reaching out he grabbed her hand and then they were inside.

“Cord,” Tegan began but he held a hand up to stop her.

“Go shower, get clean warm clothes, we’ll talk when you are back down,” he looked at her. “Can you take me to Leonid’s rooms?”

“No,” Tegan barked at him. “I will take you to a guest room and get you some of father’s clothes.” She led him up the stairs of the house, noting that many of the rooms had dust sheets over them.

“Pyotr is gone,” Cord observed.

“It looks like it,” Tegan opened a door and stood back. “The guest room, I’ll see you downstairs.”

Tegan quickly closed the door behind him before almost running to her own room. There were no dust sheets in here and she fought the urge to throw herself on her white bedding. But she was dirty, tired and impatient. Stripping off her filthy clothes, she kicked them into a corner as she unstrapped her knife holsters, tossing them onto the bed. Entering her bathroom, she turned the shower on and very gratefully stepped under the warm spray. As the heat seeped into her skin, she closed her eyes. Tegan knew she had to get back to the Headquarters. Her brother and Sloane would be frantic, Salem too. Washing her hair thoroughly, Tegan was eager to speak to Cord.

Rushing into her bedroom, she came to a sudden stop. She hadn’t given Cord any clean clothing. Muttering under her breath, she grabbed the first clothes she could and after dressing, she hurried to her father’s room. His closet door was open and she walked forward, knowing without a doubt, who would be in there. Anger raced through her veins at Cord’s complete disrespect.

Cord’s back was to her, he was pulling a shirt over his head, his back muscles rippled as he moved. Tegan drank in the sight of his toned broad shoulders, her eyes running down his back. Her gasp had him spinning around.

“Little tiger,” Cord sighed.

“The Mark of Velvore,” Tegan walked forward. “Let me see it.”

“It changes nothing, Tegan,” Cord exhaled heavily.

“Let me see it,” Tegan asked again.

Cord turned and lifted the shirt. It took up more than half his lower back, the intricate pattern looked like a neverending knot at first glance, but the pattern was more intricate with other swirls and whorls woven through it. Her fingers traced the mark, it was slightly darker than Cord’s skin.

“How long have you had it?” she asked softly, her fingers still on his skin. Cord stepped away from her and pulled the shirt back down.

“Some months now,” he admitted as he turned to her.

“Who knows?”

“No one.” Cord stood in front of her, his arms crossed, his damp hair framing his face. Cool grey eyes looked at her, waiting.

“You’ve been killing the Lycan,” Tegan whispered.

“It’s not what you think,” Cord began.

“Have you been killing the Lycan?” Tegan asked, louder now.


Her step backward looked like it caused him actual pain. “Little tiger,” Cord reached for her.

“Don’t call me that,” her voice seemed loud over the ringing in her ears.

“Tegan, I can explain,” Cord took a step forward.

“Tegan!” the voices from below caused her to jump. “Tegan are you here?” Recognising Salem’s voice, Tegan turned from Cord and ran from Leonid’s rooms.

“I’m here,” she called as she reached the stairs.

Salem looked wild-eyed as he took in the sight of her. Taking the stairs two at a time he caught her halfway, his arms going around her, holding her close. “Thank Delfar, I thought I lost you,” he whispered as his arms tightened around her.

“Dad? Have you found her?”

Salem pulled away and with a quick kiss to her head let her go. Tegan looked around him to see Michael and Sloane at the foot of the stairs. Running down the stairs she almost leapt into her cousin’s arms, so grateful to see him. Michael pulled her from Sloane before embracing her also.