“So dramatic.”Of coursehe would use a spell that took all of his energy. And it was fading fast, she realised. “Any chance you are carrying a sword?”

“None,” he grinned at her painfully. “Two daggers, under my tunic.”

She pulled him into a wall as a curtain of fire cut her off. “I can go through this?” she asked, uncertainly. Her mind rebelling the information she thought she knew and telling her body it would burn.

“No, that’s particularly potent,” Cord grimaced.

“’Course it is,” Tegan muttered with a long look at him. “Okay, I apologise.” She thrust him against the wall and boldly lifted his tunic, her hands slipping quickly up onto his sides.

“I don’t think this is the time, little tiger,” Cord quipped, he spun her suddenly, pressing her into the wall as a Drakhyn’s talons clawed his back. His groan of pain as his weight fell against Tegan had her clutching him to her. Her hand met the hilt of his dagger and she pulled it free quickly. The Drakhyn went to strike again and Tegan pushed Cord off her as she jumped forward to stab it in the heart. As the Drakhyn fell, Tegan grabbed for Cord again.

“I hope you are not attached to it, I need it to stay in the heart to immobilise it.” She wrapped her arm around him again and started forward once more.

“Tegan, stop,” Cord groaned. “How many Akrhyn are still in the hall?”

Tegan glanced around quickly, surprised to see most of the hall empty except for Drakhyn. A few Sentinels fought on, the dead lay at their feet. “A handful,” she replied tersely. “Almost everyone is gone.”

“Velvore forgive me this act,” Cord murmured words Tegan didn’t understand as he gripped her closer and then fire was not only raining down but risingup. The screams were not only Drakhyn’s this time as the fire found purchase and Tegan fought back tears. Cord’s head slumped onto her shoulder and with a final whisper, he portalled them out of the hall.

* * *

Tegan’s handflew to her head, it came away wet and she suspected she was bleeding. She was on the ground – the cold wet ground. Sitting up, she swayed momentarily before steadying herself. Looking around wildly, she saw Cord’s crumpled body in a heap a few steps away. Scrambling to her knees, she rose and stumbled over to him, dropping down beside him in alarm. Cord was on his side and she gently pulled him onto his back, his eyes were closed but his breathing was steady. He looked unharmed in the dull light of the moon. She ran a hand over his face, he was unmarked. He must have passed out when they portalled and let go of her. She thanked Arflyn that he had managed to keep her near. Shivering in the cold, Tegan looked around trying to get her bearings.

They were in an alley. She could hear sounds from the street beyond, cars passing, people making their way about their evening. It was so cold, Tegan knew she had to get out of her dress and into something warmer. Quickly checking Cord’s body for any injuries, cursing herself for not checking his back when he was on his side. Tegan hoped he was merely exhausted as she sat back on her heels as she thought about her options. She had no idea where they were, she would need to leave the alley to determine that. Tegan knew it wouldn’t take her long but she was loathe to leave Cord defenceless. Biting her lip, she looked down at him again and started when she realised he was looking back at her.

“Cord?” Tegan leaned over him, his hand came out and snaked into her hair, clasping the back of her neck. Pulling her down to him, he pressed a firm, but chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth.

“You’re okay, little tiger?” He asked as he loosened his hold on her neck.

“Yes, my head is cut I think, but I am okay,” Tegan whispered, the shock of his action unsettling her.

“You’re hurt?” he tried to rise but groaned in protest. “Note to self; try not to use all of your energy on three spells at once,” Cord grimaced.

“How long before you begin to feel better?” Tegan asked worriedly, she was shivering.

“A while maybe?” Cord pulled himself up into a sitting position. “We can move, I just won’t be able to Cast.”

“Is your back okay?” Tegan asked worriedly, as she went to inspect for damage.

“Bruised only I think, I have another layer on.”

He struggled to his feet and swayed slightly. Tegan caught him and he hissed when he felt how cold she was. “You’re freezing, little tiger, here, help me.” Cord stepped away from her and struggled to unbutton the top three buttons on his tunic. Tegan stood and stared at him as he lifted the tunic. “I actually meant help me,” Cord said sardonically as he swayed again.

“What are you doing?” Tegan asked as she suddenly moved to help steady him again.

“Giving you my tunic,” he replied as he pulled it off over his head. He had a dark t-shirt on underneath and shivered at the loss of the layer. He eyed her in the dim light, frowning as he looked at the claw marks from the Drakhyn on the tunic. Sighing, he handed it to her. “You need to lose the dress.”

“I beg your pardon?” Tegan looked at him aghast.

“You’re going to draw attention to us, you need to get rid of it,” he assessed the dress critically. “We could cut it, have you any knives left?” Tegan silently withdrew her dagger from her boot and handed it to him. “Is there an underskirt?” Cord asked her, looking as uncomfortable as she felt.

“Yes,” Tegan whispered as her hands clutched the satin. He nodded as he got on his knees again. “Cord, wait.”

He looked up at her, his face half shadowed in the moonlight. “What is it?” he asked tiredly.

“It was my mother’s dress,” Tegan whispered. She felt foolish. She was freezing, Cord was injured, now was not the time to start being sentimental.

“I don’t think she would mind, little tiger,” Cord’s soft, cynical smile made Tegan huff in amusement, as she looked away from him, towards the alley end. “Tegan?” his soft question brought her attention back to him. A curt nod and he reached forward for her dress skirt. “This satin is thick, it will keep you warm,” Cord murmured. His cool hand skirting up her leg made Tegan freeze in place. His deft fingers felt the material of the underskirt, occasionally brushing her thighs. He glanced up at her and frowned, “Why haven’t you put my tunic on yet?”