“I don’t think we are?” Tegan looked at her cousin solemnly. “Maybe youlikeKai. It’s okay, Tove told me about male Akrhyn who like male Akrhyn. Females too.”

“Tegan, for the love of Brindlelay, I am not attracted to male Akrhyn, but Kaiisattracted toyou.” Sloane took a deep breath. “He didn’t come in here for a hug because he was scared, he came in forcourting.”

Understanding dawned on Tegan’s face and her mouth dropped open in surprise, “Oh.”

“Yes,that’swhy Cord acted the way he did,that’swhy Michael is going to punch Kai when he sees him next.”

“I didn’t understand that,” Tegan bit her lip as she looked at her cousin. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything,” Sloane smiled at her, relieved it was over. “You just need to be careful, you’re too innocent when it comes to this.” He pulled her in for a hug. “Your father did you no favours keeping you away from other Akrhyn.”

“I must be at fault too, I didn’t feel comfortable with him in here when I was in my towel. When there was a knock on the door, I was hoping it was Michael,” Tegan confessed. “It didn’t feel the same when he held me like it does when you do it.”

“Well, that’s because I’m not trying to get under your towel,” Sloane squeezed his cousin. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? I am at fault.”

“No,” he stepped back from Tegan and held her eye. “He knows you’re green in these things, he pushed it,youhave nothing to be sorry for.”

Sloane was so serious it made Tegan feel worse. “Okay.” She sighed, “Why am I green?”

“It means innocent.” Sloane laughed at her confusion. “Now, ask me again, if I like Kai.” Sloane squeezed her one more time. “Come on, you need to get into that dress and… I’ve turned into one of Zahra’s schoolmates,” he shook his head ruefully. “How are you styling your hair?”

“Um, I can make a bun?”

“Perfect,” Sloane kissed the top of her head. “You okay?”

“Yes, nervous. More so than before,” Tegan admitted eyeing the dress.

“The skirts full enough that you could conceal your knives,” Sloane said with a wink as he closed the adjoining door behind him.

“Knives,” Tegan beamed at the dress. “Yes, knives are definitely the accessory I am missing.”

“Tegan, are you ready?” Sloane asked as he knocked their adjoining door. He popped his head around the door and let out a low whistle. “I’m going to have to hit so many Akrhyn tonight,” he teased.

“Why? Are you angry?” Tegan mock gasped.

“You look amazing. I can’t take you – I have to attend with Zahra,” Sloane’s shoulders slumped slightly before he forced a grin. “Bestdress choice.”

Tegan smiled at him as his head disappeared again, she heard him call out a farewell moments later. Staring at herself in the mirror, she furtively scanned her dress choice again. It was right, it was a statement piece – that’s what Sloane had called it. She felt good in it. Glancing at her closet she still longed for her training clothes.

A soft knock on the door pulled Tegan away from the mirror and she crossed the room hesitantly, remembering the last time someone knocked on the door. Opening it, she was happy to see Michael. He was wearing formal clothing, a black three-piece suit, his waistcoat a deep purple which sat snugly over a white open necked dress shirt.

“You look handsome,” Tegan greeted him.

“You look beautiful, Tegan,” Michael’s warm smile gave her more confidence.

“Are you sure? It’s not too… revealing?”

Michael shook his head. “No, it is perfect for you.” He held his arm out. “I know I’m not Sloane, but would you accompany me to the ball?”

“I would be honoured,” Tegan smiled shyly at him. “I think I would like to go to my first ball with my brother,” her head dipped as she closed the door, a warm flush on her cheeks.

“Thank you, Tegan.” His hand squeezed her arm and both smiling they walked to the staircase. “You seem very steady for someone wearing heels?” Michael gave her a side look.

Tegan paused and glancing around quickly, lifted her dress to show him her safe, sturdy,flatcombat boots. Tegan whispered, “I don’t need the heels for added height and I needed something that felt normal.”

“Good choice,” he squeezed her arm again and then grinned. “I can’t wait to see you stand on someone’s foot when dancing,” Michael laughed. “What a surprise they’re going to get!”