“No, it is also said you are a formidable opponent, especially when using kali sticks,” she tossed a stick to him which he caught deftly.

“You want to spar?” Cord laughed incredulously. Tegan’s answering grin was all he needed to know before he pulled back his hood and took off his robe. He wore combat clothes beneath his clothing and felt a pang of disappointment that this new Holt did not seem to be at all surprised in his choice of attire.

Tegan watched the infamous Castor throw his robes carelessly to the side of the training room, weaving the kali stick in front of him as he warmed up. Her father, Leonid, had told her stories of Cord Ivanov, his prowess as a Castor and his equally impressive combat skills. Cord’s father had been killed in combat when he was a child. His mother then went on to marry Cornelius Ivanov – which was not unusual for Akrhyns, their mortality rates were high. What was unusual was the fact that Cornelius had refused all betrothal ceremonies but accepted Delilah. Although Cord was not born an Ivanov, Cornelius claimed him as his first born and Heir. Cord’s father’s family allowed the claiming, but rumour had it that they wanted him back as a result of his impressive skills and abilities. Had Cord not been Heir then this may have been beneficial to both houses, but apparently Cord would have nothing to do with his father’s House.

As Tegan watched him warm up, she realised father had kept to himself the fact that Cord was incredibly handsome. Tall and not as broad as some Sentinels, but there was no denying the muscles under his black shirt. His dark brown hair was not in the usual style of Sentinels – which was cut short. Rather, Cord’s was longer, falling over his ears and into his eyes. The thick strands kissed the back of his neck and Tegan wondered idly if it was as soft to touch as it looked. He turned to her quickly, his kali stick held perfectly still in front of him.

“Have you had your fill, daughter of Salem?” His grey eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched her.

“Had my fill?”

“Of looking at me?” Cord maintained his position, his hand never wavering, completely still. The arrogant smirk on his full lips caused a blush to spread over Tegan’s cheeks. Cord’s smile grew wider.

“I was looking at your technique,” Tegan scrambled for a reasonable reply;had she really just been caught admiring him?

“Sure you were,” his low rumbling laughter flustered Tegan more.

By the Ancients, he’s just laughing at you as you flounder in front of him!She swore internally to herself, instead of making the moment worse, Tegan struck his stick causing him to jump back.

“And so it begins,” he grinned at her as he leapt forward and she once again found herself scrambling to keep up with him. They moved across the floor, trading blow for blow. At one point, Cord spun, yanking two more sticks off the wall and throwing one at her. She caught it, both of them exchanging a quick grin. Doubly armed they continued their battle, Tegan ducked low, sweeping her leg out to catch him off balance, but Cord simply jumped out of the way, landing effortlessly before leaping out of her range as she brought her stick up in an arc in the hopes of disabling him. Cord countered by somersaulting over her crouched body, striking mid-air, Tegan lost one of her kali sticks to his assault. Rising to her feet she spun out of the way as Cord brought both sticks down to strike her. As he committed to the move, Tegan again dropped low, swiping her stick across the back of his legs, knocking him off balance. Cord quickly recovered but lost a stick in the process. It was Tegan’s turn to grin at him. Breathless, both stood across from each other for a moment, before Tegan pulled her arm back and threw her stick with force straight at Cord’s face. As he dodged the weapon, Tegan jumped, twisting into the air, bracing her elbow she brought it down on the back of Cord’s neck. He let out a grunt as her weight and the blow dropped him to his knees. However, he was able to twist as he fell, grabbing both her arms, he held tight as they both landed solidly on the mats. Tegan tried to twist out of the hold, but Cord thrust his knee in between Tegan’s thighs, disabling her from rolling out of his hold.

“Yield,” he commanded as he straddled her.

Tegan wiggled beneath him before bringing her head back and striking him cleanly on the side of his face. His harsh grunt of pain was enough to loosen his hold. Tegan grabbed his arm and using his weight as momentum, flipped them in order for her to have the advantage. Cord’s loose hand struck her hard in the side and as her hold slackened, he grabbed her arm and had her pinned on her front, as his knee dug into her lower back.

He bent over her slowly. “Yield,” his low whisper into her ear caused a shiver over her skin. Tegan could almostfeelhis smile against her skin.

Flustered again at this man, she brought her head back sharply, headbutting him hard. Cord yelled out in pain and Tegan scrambled away from him. As they both rose to their feet, they regarded each other breathlessly.

“You fight dirty, daughter of Salem,” Cord grinned as he wiped sweat from his brow.

“You use your Cast, son of Cornelius,” Tegan replied.

“Did I?” His mocking stare as he straightened made Tegan want to headbutt him again.

“Yes, we both know it, but it makes sense you couldn’t beat me with just your skill.”

Cord threw his head back as he laughed out loud. Annoyingly, like his mocking stare, Tegan felt a shiver over her skin as she watched him. No one had ever mentioned that he was as formidable to look at as he was an opponent.

“Shall we call a truce?” he asked as he watched her with amusement.

“A truce suggests neither of us could win, but I have not yet conceded,” Tegan stooped to pick up a kali stick.

“You will yield to me, Tegan,” Cord promised as he watched her move closer.

“I wouldn’t bet on it, Cord.” To her horror her voice was low and throaty and she watched with alarm as Cord’s eyes narrowed, his eyes moving to her lips as her tongue darted out nervously to wet the dryness.

“You play games?” he asked curiously.

“Combat is not a game,” Tegan answered quickly, she felt heat rise in her cheeks.

Cord moved with the speed of a Vampyre, he was behind her, her arm twisted up her back, his other hand at her throat. “It’s not combat you play at,” his breath caressed her neck as his head dipped in low, breathing her in. “You will not win against me, usingthoseskills, Tegan, daughter of Salem.”

“What skills? It is you who is not fighting fair,” Tegan gasped as his hold tightened at her neck. She tilted her head back with the hope of manoeuvring out of the hold.

“Neither do you,” his soft words were breathed into her ear, causing Tegan to arch her back against him for a different reason other than escape. Hearing his sharp inhale confused her as much as it excited her. “Neither do you,” Cord whispered in her ear. Sudden coldness at her back alerted her to the fact he was gone before she heard the door closing behind him. Tegan bent over, her hands on her knees as she took a deep breath.

“I would advise you to stay away from him.”