Sloane watched in sick fascination as the flames contorted into the shape of words.

Sloane Ivanov, have you no respect?The voice was that of his father and even though his father could not see him, Sloane still slumped further into the seat, ignoring Cord’s knowing smirk.Howdareyou make such a disrespectful joke, my sister was my world and you mock her memory with your lies!

The flames soared higher, telling both males that the sender was not happy.

“Father, it is Cord,” his eyes narrowed as he watched the flames. “I arrived a short time ago. I have seen the girl myself and my brother does not lie.”

The magical fire in the middle of the room was still for so long, that Sloane was just about to ask his brother if he lost the connection when the words took form in the flame again.

She is Salems?

“Yes,” Sloane answered when Cord gestured at him to continue. “He did not know of her,” he added.

And the Vampyre? Where is the cowardly leech who took her from me?

Sloane flinched at his father’s vocabulary. “He has left,” he informed him reluctantly.

Tell them I come. The flames died, indicating that his father had cut the connection.

“Guess he didn’t listen,” Cord was completely unphased by the events.

“I need to go warn Salem and Tegan I suppose,” Sloane stood. glaring at his brother. “You didn’t need to do that.”

“No, I didn’t, butyoudid. You are an Ivanov, no matter how much you want to be inthisfamily, you are and always will be, an Ivanov.”

“Do not worry, brother, I am reminded of that fact every day,” Sloane walked angrily from the room, leaving his brother looking after him in thoughtful consideration.

Cord was unperturbed by his brother’s reaction. Their father needed to know and the sooner he knew the better it would be for Sloane. How he didn’t realise that, baffled Cord. His brother was the typical Akrhyn male, full of ideas of honour, valour and nobility.Idiots, the lot of them, Cord thought. Drakhyn didn’t care that they had honour, or valour, Drakhyn only wanted to kill them. Their hatred and bloodlust for Akrhyn was unrivalled. Drakhyn sought out human females for procreation because they were weakest in defending themselves, but their most desired target was that of an Akrhyn female. Their bodies were stronger for carrying the Drakhyn child to term and carried the added bonus of killing an Akrhyn when the spawn was born. The Drakhyn wanted the first blood its child tasted to be that of an Akrhyn.

A soft knock on the door brought Cord out of his Reflection. Answering it, he regarded the young female Akrhyn standing timidly in front of him with indifference.

“Castor,” her head dipped in reservation “Marcus of the Golden Pack seeks you to attend him in his chamber.”

“Attend him how?” Cord bit back the smile as the female flushed at the implication – he knew there were rumours about Marcus that were whispered in the shadows. Why else would the alpha of a pack choose to live in solitude? Why did the alpha have no Heir? He watched the Akrhyn struggle with her composure, he enjoyed making people uncomfortable. As she stammered an apology, he let loose a small laugh. “Collect yourself, daughter of Arflyn, I will attend.” The young Akrhyn practically ran from the doorway. Still amused, Cord closed the door behind him as he stepped into the hall.

“It’s cruel when you do that.”

He turned to see Michael leaning against the wall, watching him. “It brings me humour,” Cord shrugged and began to walk, Michael falling into step beside him.

“That’s because you’re twisted,” Michael answered easily.

“Most certainly,” Cord agreed. “I thought you went running after Zahra?”

“She’s being unreasonable, father was right to send her away.”

Cord snorted at Michael’s reply. “I have yet to come across her when she is reasonable,” he admitted. “How they think she and my brother are a match is a ridiculous.”

“Sloane is one of the few Akrhyns who accepts her for what she is,” Michael answered solemnly.

Cord eyed him speculatively. “You mean: spoiled, entitled, lazy and annoying?”

Michael’s surprised laugh filled the hall as he rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s also kind, stubborn and more importantly, Castor, my sister.”

“Ha, you think that would make a difference to me?” Cord smiled despite himself. “Are you ready for the upcoming Trials? You know I am going to best you this year at the Winter Event.”

“I was unsure if you were going to participate this year, with you gaining your robes,” Michael admitted.

This time Cord’s laughter was louder, causing several Akrhyn in the halls to stop what they were doing and stare. “You would like that wouldn’t you?” His smile was easy and relaxed “No, Michael, I will still represent House Ivanov.”