“Are your kitchens still open?” Leonid asked as he walked around the chair, he had been sitting in. “Tegan would benefit from some hot food.”

“You made her walk from Jasper, of course she’s hungry,” Marcus muttered as he also stood.

“It was a perfect training opportunity,” Leonid was indifferent to the judgement from the Lycan.

“I remember your training sessions, Old One,” Marcus scoffed before turning his attention to Tegan. “When did you last eat?” As Tegan went to answer him, Marcus cut her off. “I don’t mean jerky.”

“Four days.”

“Let’s get some hot food in you,” Marcus bent and picked up her backpack.

“I can manage that,” Tegan said softly, unsure as she also reached for her backpack.

“You jump over the top of the perimeter fence?” Marcus straightenedwithher backpack.

“I did,” Tegan confirmed her voice firm.

“A thirty-foot fall?” Marcus smiled. “I’ll carry this for you child, you will be bruised,” he hefted the pack onto his shoulder. “Come, you need to eat and rest,” Marcus walked her to the door.

“Father?” Tegan questioned hesitantly.

“Go eat daughter. Salem and I have some more things to discuss,” Leonid instructed.

“That’s our cue, Michael,” Sloane said with a lazy grin as he rose from his seat. “Plus, I want to get to know my new cousin.”

Michael looked between his father and Leonid before he sighed in resignation and followed the others out of the office.

Tegan followed Marcus, very aware that Michael and Sloane were behind her. She could hear them talking between themselves, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying.

“Sloane is reminding your brother that this is as hard for you as it is him,” Marcus murmured to her quietly. “Michael is not usually as ill-mannered as you have witnessed tonight. He will come around quickly, it is not in his nature to be aggressive to Akrhyn,” he paused as he glanced at her, “especially his family.”

“I don’t mind, it is understandable,” Tegan shrugged slightly. “I have known of him and his family for many years, this is new to him.”

“You never wanted to seek them out?” Marcus asked as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

“No,” Tegan answered honestly. “Father keeps me mostly to Silver Lake, my Trials have all been at home, he keeps me away from other Sentinels.” Tegan smiled. “The only thing father is keen for me to meet is Drakyhn.”

“You hunt regularly?”

“Always,” Tegan smiled widely. “I killed some on the way here, the most recent one in Prince George during daylight.” She frowned in remembrance.

“You’re his soldier,” Marcus muttered looking away from her but not before Tegan saw that he looked upset.

“All Sentinels are soldiers,” she replied easily. “I am what I was meant to be.”

“You should have been with your family,” Marcus said as he turned to face her.

“I was,” Tegan answered softly.

Marcus shook his head again and then turned back to Michael and Sloane, who had grown quiet. “Michael, we will need two rooms for Tegan and Leonid. Can you arrange that for me please?”

“I thought I could come to the dining hall,” Michael looked between Tegan and Marcus with uncertainty.

“The hall will be closed, we’ll go to the kitchens,” Marcus smiled at him, “you can meet us there.”

“Marcus,” Michael nodded and turned back the way that they had been walking before turning off down a corridor.

“You got a job for me too?” Sloane questioned.