Page 7 of City Magic

Ross scored the next win. After approving the fashion show idea, he secured the perfect location with a single phone call.

“Hey, Jason? Are you still renovating that abandoned cathedral on Second Avenue?” Ross winked at her as he chatted with his cousin. “Almost finished? Great. Listen, I’m working on a special project, and I need some help.”

He went on to explain about the fashion show, got his cousin’s buy-in, and disconnected the call with a satisfied smirk.

“An after-hours Halloween lingerie fashion show in a restored, allegedly haunted, historic 19th century East Village church is going to be da bomb.”

“I never thought we’d pull it off.” Conceding it had taken both of them wasn’t as painful as she’d expected. In fact, working with Ross was fun.

And a huge turn-on.

The challenge provided an excuse to share meals, learn more about him, soak up all the happy vibes he put out, and preen a little when he cast admiring looks at her. He wasn’t obvious about it, but he had a way of examining her from head to toe that felt like a physical touch. Gerald had always insisted on fooling around with the lights off, making her insecure and self-conscious. Ross made her feel like he was shining a spotlight on her, revealing every imperfection…except in his eyes, they weren’t flaws.

She knew the second he walked into a room because her nipples puckered and her thighs started to tremble. It was getting harder to resist the impulse to throw herself at him, but one thought of Gerald’s critical attitude was like a bucket of icy water that doused the flames.

“Lunch.” He pulled her plaid wool coat from the rack behind her door and held it out for her. “I want a falafel sandwich from Arax, but he’ll be moving his cart from Central Park in thirty minutes. Let’s eat, walk, get some fresh air, admire the glorious autumn colors, and settle this bet.”

One of the things she liked best about Ross was that he never made her feel embarrassed about her very generous curves and healthy appetite. She loved falafel, and that salad had been three hours ago.

“Twist my arm.” She logged off the computer and rounded the desk.

“Have you cleared some time to work on the fashion show?” He waited until she’d buttoned the coat before escorting her out of the BonTemps suite and into the hallway leading to the bank of elevators. “I’m clear for the rest of the week unless something crazy happens. Eleanor said she’ll handle our calls and cover if needed so we can, as she put it, get into the spirit of things.”

“I went over my schedule with her this morning.” Macy shivered when she felt Ross’s breath warm the back of her neck. She wore her hair up to keep it out of her face, but the intimate sensation resulting from his nearness was a much better excuse to confine the heavy length.

“Any updates from Sunday?” He reached past her to press the DOWN button, his arm casually brushing her shoulder.

“Um.” Her mind was blank. “Oh, right! She recruited four models, including Rowena. Elise lined up two makeup artists, and she’s meeting with Jason today to decide the configuration for the runway, seating, the DJ, and so on. She called in a favor, and we have a caterer.”

“Let’s keep the menu simple.”

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened with a barely audible hiss. Macy stepped inside and made room for Ross. He stood even closer this time. She stiffened so she didn’t lean into his warm strength.

“Food?” she prompted. “Cocktails?”

“I’m thinking champagne. Wine. Maybe a few kinds of imported beer for the guys.”

“People will have been drinking and partying. We should offer a few simple but hearty canapés.” Macy inhaled, Ross’s scent a combination of freshly laundered cotton and spicy cologne.

“Let the caterer decide. The food needs to be sophisticated. I don’t want anything that resembles brains or eyeballs.”

“My mom always made a veggie tray in the shape of a skeleton. She sliced bell peppers for the ribs and celery for the bones.” The memory made her smile.

“With ranch dip?” he teased.

“Of course.”

The rest of the ride down to the main floor was silent but without any of Macy’s usual anxiety. Ross was easy to be with…except for the sexual desire he stirred.

It was a perfect autumn afternoon, and the sidewalks were crowded. Ross curved his hand loosely around her arm so they didn’t get separated as they weaved between pedestrians admiring the Halloween-inspired window displays. The scent of cinnamon and chocolate wafted from the open door of a bakery, and familiar seasonal songs sounded from speakers.

A few blocks from the office, they escaped into Central Park. Mothers pushed strollers, dogwalkers kept pace with big and small breeds tethered to leashes, and runners panted rhythmically as they passed Macy and Ross who headed for their favorite falafel vendor.

Ten minutes later they found an empty bench and sat down to enjoy their sandwiches beneath a tree laden with leaves in shades of red, purple, and brown.

“What’s this inspired idea you have?” Macy pointed to the corner of her mouth. “You have some tahini sauce…right…here.”

“Help.” He gestured with his sandwich, clasped in both hands to keep it from falling apart.