Chapter One
Theysaytheroadto hell is paved with good intentions. I didn’t intend for anyone to get hurt - or maybe I did. I could never tell. The road I’d traveled had been smooth, mostly, but I took care of any bumps I ran into along the way. And if that meant that meant people had to die, so be it. My only concern was making Ella mine, and I didn’t much care what happened to the people who got in my way.
I also felt it was my duty as her future man to eliminate anyone who said anything negative about her or did anything behind her back to harm her. I would tolerate no one making a fool of her.
I knew she’d be mine the moment I met her. I was so young, just a college freshman, stepping into my own for the first time in my life. She was everything to me. I made a mess of things with my brass and youthful approach, and she turned me down when I asked her to dinner. She said it was something about a rule she had not to date students, so I vowed I would someday make her see me as more than a student… more than a kid… more than a nuisance. It was love’s faithful vow, and I knew I’d never break it, nor would I allow anyone else to stand in my way.
There were a few who tried to come between us over the years. I knew she’d never agree to go out with me as long as I was a student, so I loaded up my schedule and graduated early. I worked hard to get my master’s before applying for a teaching job there at the same community college where I met her. The worst part is that I had to reduce the number of classes of hers that I took. I hated that, but it was a necessary evil if I wanted her to see me as anything other than a lovesick student. She would see me either as a man or nothing at all. I was always there, though. Lurking in the shadows. Eliminating all possible threats. To her. To me. To our future together.
Another candidate applied for the job at the same time as I did. She never had time to withdraw her application. Her untimely demise took care of that, and it only cost me a few hours of my time to do the deed and dispose of her body. Easy peasy. It was nothing I hadn’t done before. Or would ever hesitate to do again if it meant I could be near Ella.
Lost in thoughts of my love, of us naked and enjoying each other’s bodies, the notification bell on my phone startled me. Smiling as I read the invitation to the monthly faculty potluck, a plan emerged in my mind when I saw she was hosting it. I’d finally be in her house, where I’d longed so often to be. I’d obviously seen the inside before, but only through the windows. Never actually inside. To be close to her bedroom, to her bed! Just the thought of such wondrous things made the blood pump faster through my veins. I quickly sent my R.S.V.P. and turned to deciding what to wear that would impress her.
Some men I’d seen her with over the years, if you could call them men… seemed more like cockroaches to me… wore expensive silk suits on their dates. I’d devoted every penny over the last few years to careful cultivation of the perfect wardrobe. I always dressed exactly the way she liked. She’d even taken to complimenting me on my attire occasionally. And when that happened, it always took every ounce of self-control I had to prevent myself from telling her exactly how I felt about her. She wasn’t ready for that, and I knew it. She would be one day, and then there’d be nothing to prevent us from being together forever.
However, for the particular social gathering in question, a suit would not be appropriate. The invitation said she was grilling hot dogs and hamburgers and to bring a swimsuit to enjoy the waning days of summer. I didn’t own a swimsuit, so I started a list of things to buy and to do before the weekend. I added wine to the list because, even though there would likely be other beverages at the pool party, I hoped perhaps she and I could enjoy a glass or two later that evening. Just the two of us. The way I’d always planned.
Sorting through the chest of drawers in my sparse, one-bedroom apartment revealed a nice golf shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. I still needed to figure out shoes and added that to my growing list, but another sound emanated from my phone. A much more important task was at hand, and I needed to leave for work if I was going to arrive before she did. Knowing that I would see Ella soon made it all worthwhile. She was my reason for living, for breathing, for my very existence, and the highlight of any day was greeting her in the morning as we both arrived typically at the same time. I’d planned it that way, of course, and I needed to leave in five minutes if that was going to happen. Grabbing my laptop bag, I stuffed the to-do list in the side pocket and checked myself in the mirror one last time before leaving.
Driving to work, I decided exactly when I would arrive at the pool party so as not to draw too much attention to myself from our colleagues. They could be a nosy bunch, and I’d had to be quite careful in the past when someone started asking too many questions or got too close to Ella for comfort. Thankfully, no one had been as intrusive as a few of the other members of the faculty before I became a junior professor and was actually still a student. There was one man in particular who had shown too much interest in Ella for my liking, and I had to put him in his place. If he’d only paid more attention to his wife and children than he did my darling Ella, it wouldn’t have escalated the way it did. I told him as much when he turned the most interesting shades of green while the poison took over and resolved that little situation for me. If I had feelings, I might have taken pity on his family. His wife appeared to be distraught at his funeral.
My thoughts also drifted to the one couple I enjoyed dispatching the most. The woman was young, and like me, was a junior professor working in Ella’s department. She was not worthy of polishing Ella’s shoes, but she thought she was God’s gift to Shakespeare. I could tell that Ella didn’t like her, and one day she upset her to where I found my love crying in the staff lounge. That was the final straw for me, or really more for her.
She was dating an older man, also on staff, but in the history department. He and Ella had previously collaborated on a unit study of Elizabethan times, and I did not like the way he watched her. It was like he was imagining what she looked like naked. That was one offense I could not let go unpunished. So, I began inviting the two of them out drinking regularly. I always made sure I left before they did and that my neighbors saw me coming home alone.
Then, one night, she told me of a plan she’d set in place to take Ella’s job. In response, he said that he’d make Ella forget all about being fired by sticking his tongue so far into her pussy that she’d never worry about another job again. It was then that I decided what I needed to do next. We made plans to meet the next week at the same place. That night, however, one thing led to another, and I propositioned them with the promise of a threesome. As usual, I left long before they did and went straight home to wait for them. Once they were there, I told them to get started without me because it took a little while for me to warm up. They were both naked in front of me, her down on her knees, and he said, “She can suck your dick too, if you’re ready.”
She stopped and pulled her head back, her mouth dripping with spit and pre-cum, and crawled over to my chair. “Yeah, baby. Let me take you in my mouth while he fucks me in the ass. It would make me so happy.”
“As much as I would enjoy making you happy, I prefer to watch,” I said, swatting her hand away as she reached for my zipper.
He laughed, and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her down to the bed with him, positioning her so that she straddled him. “Suit yourself, but you’re missing out on an amazing fuck. She gives good head. But whatever. You can be creepy if you want. More of her for me to enjoy.” She lowered herself onto him with a moan and rode him viciously while he pinched and clawed at her nipples.
I settled back in my chair and sipped pinot noir while they fucked, and it did indeed appear that they were enjoying themselves. One or the other of them would periodically glance in my direction in what I was sure they thought was an alluring expression in an effort to entice me to join them. They disgusted me instead.
However, as they loudly vocalized that they were nearing their climax, I stood, removed my clothing and came close to the bed. He noticed me first and attempted to reposition their bodies near the edge. The damned fool was actually helping me!
“If you want some of this, you can have her ass. I’m not giving up this pussy right now. It’s too good, but that’s alright. She likes it, don’t you, baby?”
She turned to me, licked her lips and said, “I love fucking two guys at once!” and stopped bouncing up and down on his dick so that I could slide at my leisure. When I made no moves closer to her proffered ass, she shrugged her shoulders and refocused her attention on him. “I guess he’d rather watch you fuck me, baby. If that’s the case, let’s give him a show.”
She raised herself upright on top of him and rode him wildly, screaming so loudly I became concerned that someone might hear despite my careful planning. With one final jerk of her head and a loud guttural moan, I stepped behind her as she reached the precipice of ecstasy and plunged the knife into her back, straight through her pounding heart.
She screamed one last time; I was sure from a combination of the pleasure in her core and the pain in her back and collapsed onto his chest while he spurted his seed into her body. With his head thrown back and his eyes closed, he didn’t notice at first that anything was amiss. I was sure he simply thought she’d fallen onto him, being spent from his lovemaking skills. But I’d left the knife in her back so that I could see his reaction.And it was glorious!He tried to wriggle out from underneath her, but his body and mind were conflicted. His cock wanted to stay inside her to finish its task, but his instinct to survive was strong. He tossed her off to his side and tried to reach for the gun I had pointed between his eyes. He was still coming when I pulled the trigger.
After wrapping the bodies in the sheets I had purchased for just that occasion, complete with a layer of plastic underneath to prevent bodily fluids from seeping into the mattress, I showered to wash off the blood and cum that had inadvertently reached my skin. While they probably thought I’d gotten naked so that I could join them, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t get any blood on the fabrics. I packed them into the crates I’d purchased and left to dispose of their bodies. Good riddance.
That, of course, wasn’t the first situation I’d had to handle when someone disrespected Ella, and I was certain that it wouldn’t be the last either.
Chapter 2
Chapter Two
Thedaystartedthesame as most of them, and I’d become accustomed to the routine. After years of never being certain of anything, I could always count on Donovan to brighten my mornings. I’d known him for years, ever since the first day of class, way back when he was a student of mine. There was always something about him that intrigued me. He was smart, that was certain. He was obviously well-read, especially in the realm of Elizabethan literature, which was a rarity for someone his age. I was starting my tenure year when he first walked into my class, and I’d never seen a freshman so well versed in Shakespeare. It was refreshing.