Page 5 of Christmas Wish

He ran his hand through his hair. He looked upset about something.


A knock on the window made us both jump. My mom was waving at us.

"Oh, God." I put my hand over my face. "That would be my mother."

Tucker smiled. "Open the door."

I couldn't believe my mom was about to ruin this moment. It seemed like Tucker was just about the confess that he liked me too. But maybe it was for the best. Because there was no way he was actually going to say that. I opened up the door.

"What are you doing out here, Julia? It's 20 degrees out." Her eyes got big when she noticed Tucker.

"Hi, Mrs. Wild. I'm Tucker."

"I know who you are."

Everyone knew who Tucker Mills was. He had almost made our small town famous before he blew out his knee.

"But what are you doing here?" my mom said. She looked back and forth between him and me.

"Tucker was just..."

"Oh, right," Tucker said, cutting me off. "Julia told me that she didn't tell you. With all the excitement with her sister and all. But we just started dating." Tucker wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

What the hell is he doing? God, he smells amazing.

My mom just stood there for a second staring at us. I wasn't sure I had ever seen her stunned silent before.

I turned to Tucker. "What are you doing?" I mouthed silently.

He winked at me and looked back at my mother. "I'm sorry I'm so late. I had to stop by my parents' for a bit."

"Julia, I can't believe you didn't tell us." My mom sounded so excited. "Well, come in, come in." My mom stepped back and hurried to the front door. Probably so she could tidy things up a bit before Tucker came inside.

"What are you doing?" I said and turned to him.

Tucker kept his arm wrapped around me. "You said your mom was giving you a hard time for being single."

"You already drove me home. You don't have to fix this too."

"I know I don't have to. I want to."

I laughed. "Seriously, Tucker, don't you have to get back to your house? It's Christmas Eve."

"Nah. I have three siblings. I doubt they'll even miss me."

I was very aware of the fact that his arm was still around me. "I'm going to owe you a million favors."

"Hmm. I'm sure I can think up a few ways you can pay me back."

Before I could say anything, he grabbed the bags off the floor and stepped out of the truck.

I pinched myself again. It really felt like I was dreaming. But Tucker was really here, opening up the door for me, putting his hand up for me to grab. I slid my hand into his. Instead of dropping my hand once I had stepped down from the truck, he kept his fingers intertwined with mine.

"I probably should have bought flowers at the store. Meeting your folks is kind of a big deal. Flowers would have been good."

"Yeah, except we're not dating. Tucker, this is crazy."