Page 2 of Christmas Wish

"Let me try to give you a push."

Before I could say anything, he was walking to the back of my car. "Press on the gas!" he yelled from behind my car.

I put my foot down on the gas slowly, and then pressed the pedal down farther. Nothing but the churning noise of my tires spinning.

He came back to my window. "I guess I'm not as strong as I thought."

"I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with it. I know you're strong." I could feel my face blushing.

He smiled. "Let me give you a lift home."

"Oh, no, Tucker, that's fine. I've already kept you away from your family long enough. I'll just call a tow truck. Thanks for offering, though."

"It's not a big deal. You probably live like five minutes away from here like me."

"Yeah. But really, you have better things to do. I'm fine. You don't have to take me home."

He gave me strange look. "I know I don't. I want to, Julia."

He wants to? "But, Tucker, if you have..."

"Really, I don't mind. In answer to your question, I'm also avoiding my family."

I laughed. "The joys of Christmas."

"Mhm." He tapped on the side of my car. "Come on, before my truck gets snowed in too."

"Okay." I pushed the button to put my window back up and turned off the ignition. I couldn't help but think about the fact that Tucker Mills was driving me home. The Tucker Mills. I had definitely dreamed of him doing that. And kissing me goodnight. I grabbed my bags and opened up the car door. I sighed and locked my car.

It was snowing even harder now. There was only one truck in the parking lot, and I followed Tucker to it. He opened up the passenger side door and held his hand out for me. This was pretty much every dream come true. I put my hand in his and stepped up toward the door. His hands were warm and his palms were rough. I had to force myself to let go. His touch had made my whole body feel warm despite the snow falling around us.

He closed the door behind me and I watched him sprint around the car. He climbed into the driver's seat and rubbed his palms together. There was no center console in his truck. There was a small, third seat between us instead. I wished that I was a little bolder. If I was, I'd say I was cold and scoot over closer to him. Instead, I looked out the window.

As soon as he put his key in the ignition, his truck roared to life. His truck didn't protest at all when he put his foot on the gas.

"Wow, your car is a lot better than mine."

"Four wheel drive. I'm surprised you don't have it. If you still live around here, that is."

"I probably should get a new car. I live about half an hour from here, in Kennett Square. If anything, it snows more there."

"That's actually pretty close to my winery. You should come see it sometime."

"Yeah, that would be great." I tried to search his face. I couldn't tell if he was actually inviting me or if he was just being nice again. I couldn't tell. He turned toward me, but I quickly looked away.

"Left or right?" he said, when he came to the light.

"Left." I wished I did live far away. I considered sending him the wrong direction to extend the car ride, but with only a few turns between the grocery store and my house, I was pretty sure he'd realize what I was up to. "So why are you avoiding your family?"

He laughed. "My mom loves nagging me about having grandchildren."

"Oh." Of course he was married. Guys like him were never single. "How long have you been married?"

He laughed again. "That's the thing. I'm not. I'm not even dating anyone. My mom is just being crazy."

"That's kind of what mom's do."

"Yeah. I guess. And what about you, Julia?"