He laughed. And then he realized I was serious. “Um…okay. Well, I hate to ruin your routine, but if you don’t go clean up now, then you might be late for the initiation ceremony.”
“Gah, okay. Fine.”
Chapter 18 - Elite Cousins F
Friday, Sept 20, 2013
If I was a normal girl, it would have taken me like three hours to get all that cum out of my hair.
But I was me, so it only took twenty minutes. And another ten to do my hair and makeup.
And then I was back at the sex dungeon.
Chad and some hooded guy were standing at the entrance.
“What’s up?” I asked.
Chad glared at me.
“What’s that look for, babe?”
“Do you really have to ask?”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be mad. I did that for you.”
“Did you? Because it sure looked like you were enjoying it.”
“I mean…of course it felt a little good. It was sex.”
“With four guys.”
“Tell me about it. That was hard work. And messy! But so worth it. Because now you’re gonna be a member of the Gryphon Club!”
Chad’s face softened a little. “Holy shit. I am, aren’t I?”
“Yup! Just like you’ve always dreamed of. I’m so proud of you, babe.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
The hooded guy cleared his throat. “You’re on in three, two, one…” He gave us a little shove into the sex dungeon.
All the hooded guys were back in their original places. And there were a few new faces. Ash and Slavanka! My girls were back! I wondered if they’d had as much fun as me tonight. They were still fully clothed, and their hair wasn’t messed up. So I assumed they hadn’t. But at least they’d found drinks.
“Yeah, Chastity!” cheered Ash, splashing some of her drink into the air. “That’s my best friend! I freaking love her!” I thought she was gonna totally freak out when all the hooded guys stopped chanting and turned to her. But instead she just played it off by shushing Slavanka.
I squinted to try to see what was in her glass.
Is that banana juice?! Those sly bastards must have heard how she got after a few glasses…
It was perfect, though. Because if Ash was drinking banana juice, then she’d definitely be down to fuck the punch masters with me during the after-party. And Slavanka was always DTF. That kinky bitch.
I smiled at my girls as the chanting resumed.
Chad and I continued towards the throne. Jack was sitting there waiting for us. He gestured for us to go to his right, and then he got up.
“Gentlemen,” he yelled. “And ladies. Please welcome the Grand Gryphon!”
“I love the Grand Gryphon!” yelled Ash as everyone else launched into a super intense chant.
Yup, definitely banana juice.