Chad’s grip on my hand tightened as we walked into the sex dungeon. Seeing the round bed and hundreds of candles must have made this all more real in his mind.

It certainly made it more real for me. I was about to blow Mike in the freaking Gryphon Club sex dungeon. And it was gonna be on film. AND Chad was gonna be watching.

I was already dripping wet just thinking about it. This was like every girl’s dream!

Speaking of every girl…where were Ash and Slavanka? Were they still in the control room watching? Knowing those kinky bitches, they’d probably snuck off to the locker room with a few of the hot guys from the control room. Especially if Ash had gotten her hands on some banana juice.

“So how should we do this?” I asked. “Should I blow Mike on the bed? Or should Chad lounge on the bed and watch me worship Mike’s cock on that throne?”

Chad’s grip tightened even more.

“Bed?” asked Jack. “Oh, you mean the sex altar? Yeah, it should definitely happen there.” He walked over and sat on his throne. Then he stood up. “I’ve never done this before, but do you want to take the throne, Chad? This is your party, so it feels like you should have the seat of honor.”

Chad didn’t move.

“Go ahead, babe.” I gave him a kiss and then pried my hand out of his death grip. “I promise it’ll be quick.”

“It better be.” He reluctantly walked over and plopped into the throne.

“Excellent,” said Jack. “Just a few reminders before we begin. In order for this to count, Chastity just needs to blow Big Mike until he cums. And we need to finish before midnight, which means we have…” He looked over at the giant clock on the wall. “Roughly 35 minutes. Any questions?”

I shook my head.

Chad shook his head too. And then he frowned. “Wait, did you just call him Big Mike?”

“Yeah,” said Jack. “Big Mike. That’s his nickname.”

Oh is it now? I very much liked where this was headed. Big Mike walked over and slid his hand around my waist. His touch gave me goosebumps all over.

“Since when is that his nickname?” demanded Chad. “You didn’t call him that earlier.”

“Did I not?” asked Jack. “I’m pretty sure I did.”

“You definitely did not. And why is he touching her?”

“Just relax, babe,” I said. “I’m sure they just call him Big Mike because he’s tall.”

“He’s not that tall.”

He wasn’t. Which meant that his nickname probably came from something else. I shifted a little so that my hip pressed into his crotch. And based on what I felt, I was pretty sure I knew where his nickname came from. Yes!

Big Mike yanked on my skirt and all the buttons unsnapped. The fabric slid to my ankles, leaving me completely exposed.

“What the fuck!” yelled Chad.

“Wow,” said Jack.

Mike took a step back and admired my naked pussy.

“This is just supposed to be a blowjob,” said Chad. “Why is he getting her naked?”

Mike put his hands up. “I didn’t mean to. I figured she’d be wearing a thong.”

“Nope,” I said. “I’m going commando all semester in honor of General Orville Thunderstick III. And anyway, I’m about to see him naked. So it only seems fair that he gets to see me.” I unclasped my bra and tossed it to Chad.

Big Mike’s hands went right to my tits.

“Whoa!” yelled Chad as he jumped out of the throne. “Hands off!”