“Play!” I yelled just as Chad yelled, “Pass!”

We looked at each other.

Oops. I’d been trying to always let Chad choose first so he wouldn’t realize how badly I wanted to suck a huge cock.

And as I took a second and shifted my gaze upwards, I realized that this wasn’t just any huge cock. This huge cock belonged to Flash Robinson. One head of the three headed monster!

“Did you just say play?” asked Chad.

“Yeah. I uh…didn’t want to miss out on our final option. I’m more concerned about why you said pass so quickly. I know you said you aren’t a racist, but…”

Chad shook his head. “Babe, I’m not a racist.”

“So…is it a play then?”

Please, please, please!

Flash looked deeply confused. “I feel like I walked into the middle of something very weird.” He gave me the up down. “But you’re hot as shit, so I guess I’ll just stand here and see what happens.”

“It is definitely a pass,” said Chad. “Because I’m friends with his quarterback. Not because I’m racist.”

“So you are racist?” asked Flash. “That’s messed up.”

“What? No. I said I’m not racist.”

“Actually, babe,” I said. “I’m gonna have to agree with him on this one. You did kind of admit to being racist.”

“Yeah,” agreed Flash. “You said you’re both friends with my quarterback and a racist. But the former was your reason for passing on me. Speaking of which…what the hell does that even mean?”

“I’m not racist,” repeated Chad. “I have a black friend.”

Oh no. “Do you know how you could really prove how unracist you are?” I looked down at Flash’s bulge.

“By donating to the NAACP?” asked Chad.

Flash nodded. “That would be a lovely gesture.”

“Done,” said Chad. “Now if you’ll excuse us…” He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the sauna.

“What’d I miss?” asked Jack when we got back to the lockers.

“Oh, not much,” I said. “Just Chad being racist. Seriously, babe. First your reaction to me rushing an all-black sorority, and now this?”

Chad sighed. “That is not what happened.”

“Then how do you explain yelling pass the second you saw him?”

“Did you really not see the size of his dick?”

“No…” I lied.

“It was freaking huge! I’m pretty sure I just saved your life. You probably would have choked to death on that thing.”

I wish. God, I wanted to jam Flash’s huge cock down my throat so badly. “Are you sure? Maybe he just had a water bottle strapped to his leg. It’s so important to stay well hydrated in the sauna. He’s probably tiny.”

“No,” said Jack. “I’ve seen Flash in the shower. It’s enormous.”

Gah! Traitor!