The one in the middle turned around and cocked his head. “Wow. First they let him in early, and now this? Dude must be a total boss.”
Ash and I looked at each other. It seemed like maybe he was talking about Chad? But I didn’t quite understand all of it.
“There’s a locker room down the hall if you need to change or do your makeup or anything,” said the guy. “Make it quick, though, I think they’re about to begin. And if the lights turn red, get back here immediately.” He spun around and started typing again.
“Wanna check out the locker room?” asked Ash.
“Nah, I’m more interested in what’s happening here.” I pointed to the monitors. One by one, they were coming online. Each showed a different angle of the same room.
“Oh my God!” said Ash. “That’s the creepy sex dungeon we found last weekend!”
I stared at the screens in awe. “It’s even better than I imagined.” Seriously, it was. The round king-sized bed covered in gold satin sheets…the countless candles casting a sexy glow on the intricately carved pillars…the gryphon-shaped throne for the master of ceremonies. It was the perfect sex dungeon.
Drums started playing and dozens of hooded figures began filing in, each chanting as they walked.
It only took a minute for them to form a circle around the perimeter of the room, but on the first floor and up on the balcony.
The chanting intensified as another hooded man walked in. The biggest screen in the command center changed to focus just on him walking to the throne. When the candlelight caught his robe just so, a red gryphon crest flickered to life.
I can’t lie - I was super jealous of his robe.
He took a seat on the throne and the chanting immediately ceased. The camera zoomed in on him. His hood was pulled down tight over his face. And he had a gold mask over his eyes. But I recognized that mouth. It was the same mouth that had absolutely feasted on my pussy last weekend.
The punch master.
“Welcome, brothers,” he said. “It is not often that we find a man worthy of joining our ranks. But tonight, I’m pleased to announce, we have done exactly that. All five punch masters are in full agreement. This man belongs in the Gryphon Club. And so, without further ado…let the initiation ceremony begin.”
The drums and chanting started again and the main image changed to a closeup of Chad entering the sex dungeon. Unlike the hooded brothers, he was dressed only in a white linen robe, and his face was on full display. He knelt in front of the throne.
“Rise,” said the punch master. “Tell me, pledge. Why are you here?”
“I desire to become a brother of the Gryphon Club, Daddy.”
“And do you understand the full weight of that request?”
Chad nodded. “I do.”
“The oath of brotherhood is a lifelong commitment. You shall treat your brothers as if they are your flesh and blood. And you shall never betray them.”
“I understand.”
“It is a simple creed, yet there is nothing more powerful than the trust we all share. Cherish it. And cherish this first gift we have for you.”
The lights in the control room turned red and the guy in the center spun around. “That’s your cue,” he said.
“Our cue?” I asked.
“We no bring gifts,” said Slavanka.
The guy pointed at us. “You’re the gifts.”
“Oh, I love that! Just to be clear, who are we supposed to be having sex with?”
“The dude in the white robe.”
Well that’s disappointing. I thought tonight was gonna be my night to have some fun with all five of the punch masters. I could have sex with Chad anytime. Although I guess fucking him in front of an audience would spice things up a bit.
I turned to Ash and Slavanka. “Come on, girls! Let’s go give Chad the most epic initiation ever.”