And to get fucked.
I looked at the five waiters. What were the odds that they’d make Chad a member tonight so that they could have their way with me? I didn’t know exactly what they usually used their sex altar for, but I desperately wanted to find out.
The guy at the head of the table clinked his knife against his glass and stood. “Gentlemen.” He turned to me. “And lady. Congratulations again on your victory in tonight’s scavenger hunt. I have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like first?”
“Good,” I said. My teammates agreed.
“Very well. The good news is that the field of potential new members has narrowed considerably this evening. We’ve gone from 24 down to 6.” He paused. “The bad news…well, that number is about to shrink again. Only 5 of you will be left standing.” He sat down and motioned to the waiters. They disappeared for a moment and then returned with carts stacked high with golden dessert cloches. Or at least…most of them were golden. Six of them were black. And those were served to me and my teammates.
Once everyone at the table had one, the waiters stepped back.
The guy at the head of the table stood up again. “Under those cloches, each of you will find one of two things. If you have a slice of triple chocolate cake, then please enjoy. If, however, you have nothing, then please see yourself out. You are unworthy of the Gryphon Club.”
All the hooded figures and their dates removed the lids of their golden cloches. And then they stared at us expectantly.
I looked at the six black cloches.
Adonis had told me that they always eliminated the pledge who wore the thong in the most pictures. That meant Chad was on the chopping block tonight. Or at least…he should have been. But luckily for him, I was the best girlfriend in the world.
I didn’t know which cloche was gonna be empty, but I knew it wasn’t going to be Chad’s.
I pulled the lid of mine to reveal a lovely piece of chocolate cake.
Scooter had one too. And Shakespeare. And the guy who hadn’t really talked the whole night. I still didn’t know what his pledge mission was.
That left Chad and Watermelon. One of them was about to be eliminated.
They looked at each other and then slowly removed their cloches.
Chad let out a sigh of relief. Watermelon, on the other hand, muttered, “Fuck this,” smashed his watermelon on the ground, and stomped out of the dining room.
I smiled at the waiter. Saving Chad from elimination was a good first step. Now he just needed to make Chad a member and cash in on that invitation.
Chapter 11 - A Classic Double Virgin
Saturday, Sept 14, 2013
I took the final bite of my chocolate cake and sat back.
I assumed that the waiter would come in any minute and announce that Chad had been selected as the next member of the Gryphon Club.
But they just cleared our plates.
And then we went back to Chad’s dorm.
And then we went to sleep.
I still had hope, though. They’d probably show up in the middle of the night in masks and pretend to kidnap him.
But then I dosed off. And woke up the next morning. And flew Daddy’s fun jet back to Delaware.
I kept checking my phone, but there was no word from the waiter.
What was he waiting for?
Sure, it was traditional for pledges to get initiated at the end of the semester. But I’d made an extremely convincing argument for him to do it sooner.
I mean…how could he resist getting to fuck me?