“Premature ejaculation in public?”

“There’s gotta be a more elegant name for it. But yeah, that’s about right. It happened once and now he’s super scared to try it again.” I pulled out my phone and texted Chad: “Hey babe! Wanna bend me over the fountain on the green tonight?”

He texted back a second later. “God, I love when you tell me exactly what you want. But I’ll have to take a raincheck. I already have plans for us tonight.”

“See?” I said, showing the text to Teddybear. “He’s too scared.”

I quickly texted Chad back: “Well whenever you get back here, come right in. The door is unlocked. I need to hear all about your sexy plans for us tonight.” And once I found out, I’d make them better. Sometimes Chad made the worst plans. Nothing I couldn’t fix though.

I looked back up at Teddybear. “It’s ironic how Chad just complimented my directness immediately before acting like a little bitch and not fessing up to being scared.” Then something clicked. “Wait a second! We’ve got Rule #3 all wrong!”


“The rules are as direct as I am. And they certainly aren’t shy about sex. If Rule #3 was about public sex, it would say it. Thus we have it all wrong.”

“Damn, you’re right. But I still think we should try that fountain thing.”

I pushed his arm. “Teddybear! You’re so bad. I have a boyfriend!”


“Maybe you could do it with Ash instead. She’s single and definitely ready to mingle. You should have seen her sucking off those strippers last night. Girl has skills.”

“I don’t think Ash…”

“Shhh.” I put my finger to his lips. “I think I figured out Rule #3!”

“You did?”

“Yes. Look at rules 1 and 2. They’re all about friends. Rule #1 comes right out and says that friends are forever. And Rule #2 is all about making time for your friends.”

“Right. Which is why I guessed that it’s about protecting your friends from rape. Or gossiping with them. Or doing makeup together.”

I laughed. “No, no, no. Rule #3 is about helping your friends get laid. If you see a friend going to the bathroom alone, send a hot stud in after them to fuck their brains out. It makes perfect sense!”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life. I can’t wait to go tell Ash.” I grabbed my towel and started for the door. “Wait a second! Ash is in the bathroom right now. Alone. Which means I need to send her a hot stud.” I stared at Teddybear, but he didn’t move.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Did you not hear what I just said?”

“That you need to send Ash a stud.”

“Right. So why are you still sitting in this room when you should be railing my bestie against the shower wall?” God, Ash was going to love this. The things Teddybear could do with his tongue…he had to be shared.

His eyes got big. “You want me to fuck Ash? Because a week ago you blackmailed me and Ghost to make us back off because our presence was scaring her.”

“I thought you were scaring her. But I had it all wrong. You two watching her change was making her so horny. The poor girl must have been going to class every day with her panties completely soaked.”

Teddybear stood up a little straighter. “Really?”

“Yup. Now let’s hurry before she’s done her shower.” I pulled him down the hall to the women’s restroom. The shower was still going. Perfect!

“Ready?” I whispered to Teddybear.

“You really think this is a good idea?” he asked.