“Then what did you have in mind?” asked Chad.
I applied some bright red lipstick and smacked my lips together. “I’m gonna blow Adonis.”
“Tonight just keeps getting better and better,” said Adonis.
Chad blinked and shook his head. “I’m sorry. It sounded like you said you were gonna blow Adonis."
“Damn,” said Watermelon. “Cheating on your boyfriend right in front of his face? That really is heinous.”
“I would never do that,” I said.
“But you just said that you were gonna blow Adonis.”
“Right. But Chad is right here watching, so it’s not cheating. God, that really would be heinous if I didn’t let him watch the show.”
Watermelon raised an eyebrow. “If it’s not cheating, then what’s heinous about it? I guess it is pretty disrespectful to do it in front of the John Harvard statue.”
I stared at him. This Watermelon guy was totally nuts. “There’s nothing disrespectful about blowing someone in front of a statue. In fact, when they make statues of me someday, I’ll feel quite disrespected if no one gets any blowjobs in front of it.”
“Very funny,” said Chad. “Seriously though, what heinous act do you have planned?”
“I already told you. I’m gonna blow Adonis. But the trick is that it’s gonna be a two-part photo. The first will be me blowing him in front of the statue, and the second will be me walking away before he cums.” I cringed saying it. It was a clear violation of Rule #24: No blue balls allowed. Finish what you start. But the scavenger hunt called for something heinous, and I wasn’t about to let Chad down. So I had no choice but to do it.
“I’m not a huge fan of that last part,” Adonis said. “You gotta finish what you start.”
Did he know the Single Girl Rules?
Chad glared at me. “No freaking way.”
“Why do you seem so upset, babe?”
“Uh…because you just said you want to blow Adonis.”
“You think I want to get on my knees and let some guy I barely know jam his huge cock down my throat?”
Adonis smiled.
“Who said he has a huge cock?” Chad asked.
“Look at how tall he is. And how big his feet are. His cock is probably like a foot long.” God, I hope I’m right. “Sucking on it won’t be easy, but I’ll do it for you, babe.”
Chad shook his head. “No fucking way.”
“I’m so confused. Do you not think it’s heinous enough? I mean…I guess I could let him cum all over me. Ruining this dress would be pretty heinous.”
“You’re right. Cumstains come out, so they might not count it. Maybe he should just bend me over the statue and tear my dress off while fucking the hell out of me.”
“I’m up for any of that,” said Adonis.
“Yeah,” agreed Watermelon. “That all sounds pretty heinous. Hurry up and choose one, man. We’re wasting valuable time.” He tapped on his watch and nearly dropped his watermelon.
“Jesus,” said Chad. “I’m not gonna let Adonis fuck my girlfriend.”
“So the cumshot then?” I asked. Yes! This night was shaping up even better than I’d expected.