He got a weird look on his face and looked down at his hand.
“Why the fuck were you wearing a lacy thong?” he yelled. And then he finally looked at me. “And why are you dressed like a lady?”
“Because I am a lady.” I pushed my tits up for him.
“Women aren’t allowed in the Gryphon Club.”
“And yet here I am, at the Gryphon Club, receiving pledge instructions. But if you want to give me my thong back…” I reached for it, but he pulled his hand away. “Does that mean I can stay?”
“For now.”
That’s what I thought.
He moved on to Scooter, who would be honoring Teddy Roosevelt’s famous foreign policy of “Speak softly but carry a big stick,” by only whispering for the rest of the semester and also carrying a 6-foot walking stick around everywhere he went.
Scooter whispering everything would be entertaining, but I still liked Chad’s the most.
The drill sergeant returned to the line of cloaked figures and the fifth one stepped forward.
“We take honoring these great men very seriously. If you see a fellow pledge violating his assignment, please report it immediately. Failure to report will be viewed as collusion.”
“Understood?!” boomed the drill sergeant.
“Yes, sir!” we all agreed. Except for Chad, who yelled, “Yes, Daddy!”
“Then let the games begin.” The wall behind the cloaked figures opened and they all walked through it. But it didn’t close behind them. Whatever the games were, I had a feeling they started through those doors.
Chapter 7 - Yes, Daddy
Saturday, Sept 14, 2013
We walked through the secret doors into an office. Some digital cameras and four sheets of paper were waiting for us on the desk, each labeled with a range of 6 numbers. I picked up the paper for “Team D - 19 to 24” and started reading:
Gryphon Club Scavenger Hunt
Tonight your team must get pictures of every item on this list. The first team to complete the hunt and return to the Gryphon Club wins. All other teams will be eliminated from consideration.
1. A gryphon statue
2. A dildo from a sorority
3. An authentic samurai helmet
4. The John Harvard statue
5. A sports car worth more than $100K
6. Posing in a store display window
7. Dancing in the library
8. A topless girl
9. One of you getting a piggyback ride from the captain of the football team
10. Something heinous
Good luck!