it would be to have Adonis shove something stiff in my face after the game.

He shook off one more defender and then hurled a bomb fifty yards downfield to Flash Robinson.

Flash caught it in stride. There were no defenders even close to him thanks to his blinding speed, but he still caught it with one hand just to show off. He did a few high steps and then backflipped into the endzone to end the game.

The crowd went nuts, and Flash was loving every second of it. He tore off his helmet and posed for the camera, making sure to turn so that everyone could see the lightning bolts shaved into the sides of his hair.

“I hope you’re ready for a wild time,” I whispered to Ash. It may have been traditional for the player of the game to get a nice post-game blowjob, but there was no way Flash would stop there. He was definitely gonna make a huge show of fucking Ash in every position imaginable.

“No! No, no, no!” she hissed back. “You haven’t even gotten an invite yet.”

“Just wait for it.” I looked down at the field and locked eyes with Adonis. He’d taken the game-winning ball from Flash and was headed my way. And he got more and more handsome with every step he took. It wasn’t even fair for someone to be that handsome and that talented. A few people online speculated that he couldn’t possibly have a huge dick too, but I didn’t subscribe to that theory. There was no preset limit on how much awesomeness one person could have. Take me, for example. I was amazing in every way.

Adonis wrote something on the ball with a sharpy and tossed it up to me with a big smile.

Yes! As the ball spun through the air, I could see that he’d signed it and added his phone number. The number I needed to call to get my locker room invitation.

I was about to grab it, but Chad snatched it out of the air.

“Dude! Thanks!” yelled Chad.

“Hey! That was for me.” I reached for the ball, but Chad pulled back.

“No way. Why would he give it to you?”

“Uh…because I’m the hottest girl here.” Duh. “Why would he give it to you?”

“Because he thinks I’m awesome. I’ve talked to him a few times in line at the dining hall. We were totally vibing.”

“Dude, Adonis has no idea who you are,” said Trent.

“Of course he does. I’m pretty sure that my witty banter with him is what got us invited to the party tonight.”

“Uh, no. Sorry, that was obviously my dad. Senator Kenneth Donahue.”

“Yeah, I know who your dad is. And it was probably a combo. I mean…Adonis’ balls don’t lie.” Chad held up the ball with a huge smile on his face. “Look, it even has his phone number.”

“I bet you’d like Adonis’ balls in your mouth,” said Scooter. “Race you back to the dorms. Last one back has to lick Adonis’ ball.” He jumped over two rows of seats and sprinted for the exit, pushing about a dozen people over in the process.

Trent and Chad sprinted off behind him. Carrying my football.

“He take gangbang invite?” asked Slavanka.

“Yeah,” I said with a sigh. I looked back at the field to see if Adonis was still out there, but the teams had already headed to the locker rooms. I’d missed my chance. For now. “Come on, girls. Let’s go get ready for this party tonight. There’s no way Adonis isn’t a member of the Gryphon Club…which means there will be plenty of opportunities for me to properly show him that Chad has the hottest girlfriend. And by that I mean I’m gonna suck his cock.”

Chapter 6 - General Orville Thunderstick III

Saturday, Sept 14, 2013

We left the stadium just in time to see Scooter and Trent jump into Scooter’s Lambo and speed off.

“I wonder how he can even see with the windshield cracked like that,” said Ash.

Apparently the answer was that he couldn’t, because he went from 0 to 60 in about 3 seconds flat and crashed directly into a lamp post that had been in front of him the entire time.

Then it was a whole big scene.

An ambulance came. Trent got stretchered away. Blah blah blah. None of the paramedics were hot, so I didn’t really pay much attention to what was happening.