Chapter 16 - Carousel of Cock

Friday, Sept 20, 2013

I walked into the control room, still wearing nothing but my gloves and my heels.

Every guy in the room immediately looked up from his keyboard.

“Hey boys,” I said. “If you wanna fuck me, raise your hand.”

They all raised their hands.

Damn right. “Now put your hand down unless your dick is bigger than Big Mike’s.”

A few of the hands went down.

Oh my God! Really?! That was impossible. There was no way all of these guys were so well endowed. “I’ll know if you’re lying the second I take your pants off. So let me say that again. Unless your dick is bigger than Big Mike’s, put your hand down.”

There were lots of grumbles as almost all of the hands went down. Only two remained.

I looked back and forth between them trying to choose which one. But really…who said I had to choose?

“You two, come with me.”

Both of them sprung out of their chairs. They couldn’t wait to fuck me.

“Stop,” boomed a deep voice. The guy at the center of the control room stood up. “You don’t leave those chairs until I say you can.”

“But…” protested one of the guys.

“No buts. As your leader, I could never ask you to do something that I wasn’t willing to do myself. So if she needs someone to fuck her, I’ll do it.”

“How noble of you,” I said.

“Just doing my job.”

“Mhm. Suuuure.” I took his hand and led him back into the sex dungeon.

“Shit,” said Mike when he saw us. “Am I being replaced?”

“Nope. Just wanted to have a backup plan.” I turned to the hooded guy that I’d brought with me. “You weren’t masturbating while watching back there, right?”

“I wanted to. But no.”

“Good. Now are we gonna stand around talking all evening, or are you gonna fuck me?”

He pulled his hood back and I let out a little gasp.

“Master Hung!” He was one head of the three headed monster. And I was about to fuck him! Yaaaasssss!

“That’s me,” he said with a smile. The candlelight flickering made his golden skin look even more gold than usual.

He was undressing, but it was going too slowly.

“Hurry up,” I said. “I need to find out if you’re really hung.”

“I just told you I am.”

“I don’t mean your name. I mean your cock.” I grabbed the waistband of his pants and I was about to yank them down.