“Is possible, yes.”
“I knew it! That changes everything.”
“Does it?” asked Ash.
“Yes! Rule #3 is a warning for boys. It makes so much sense. Bathrooms are like…the number one place to fuck a hot stranger. So of course guys should never let their girl go alone.”
“I really don’t think that’s right,” said Ash. “It’s definitely just normal girl code.”
The waiter returning with my drink interrupted our debate. But I was definitely right. I’d finally figured it out!
He placed my martini glass on the table. It had a slightly different hue than my original drink. And I knew that he’d followed my instructions and mixed in my favorite ingredient. Drinking it wasn’t as good as letting it explode all over my face though. My skin would have been glowing for weeks.
“Sorry it took so long,” he said. “I had to get a few of the other waiters to help me make a fresh batch.”
Was he saying that he had the other waiters help him jerk off? Or that they all came in my glass?
I looked at the four other waiters all standing there staring at me. One of them winked at me.
Yeah, they’d definitely all cum in my glass. Those naughty boys.
“Why is it so thick?” asked Ash.
“There’s extra of the special ingredient,” I whispered. “#EarnedIt.”
“It’s a cock-tail.”
“I know…but…it looks different.”
She just wasn’t getting it. I leaned in close so we wouldn’t be overheard. “All the waiters skeeted in it.”
“What?!” she said way too loudly.
I ignored her. “It looks delicious.” I took a big gulp of my special piña colada.
Ash made a strangled choking noise.
I had no idea why. Sure, I was a little disappointed that they’d mixed their cum with the actual cocktail instead of giving me a straight cumshot. But the viscosity and saltiness really paired nicely with the sweetness of the coconut and pineapple. I would call this new cocktail a piña cumlada.
Ash started really gagging now. She was probably just jealous. This had to be my new favorite drink. I took another sip. And to give them a little preview of what it would be like to cash in that invitation, I let a little piña cumlada dribble out the side of my mouth and onto my breasts. “Oops,” I said, looking down at the spill.
I was about to wipe it up, but Chad grabbed my hand to stop me. “I got it.” He leaned down and licked the piña cumlada off of me.
The waiter cringed. A few of the other ones snickered. Ash started dry heaving.
Chad pulled up and made a funny face. “What’s in that piña colada?”
“Coconut and pineapple I think.”
“And a secret ingredient,” added Ash and gagged again. The poor girl looked like she was struggling to breathe so I slapped her on the back. She was definitely just jealous she hadn’t gotten any.
“Huh,” said Chad. “It’s a little salty. But I kinda like it.” He reached for my glass, but I snatched it away from him.
“Get your own.” I downed it before Chad could embarrass himself anymore. Me drinking a beverage spiked with cum was hot. But Chad doing it? Yeah…no one wanted that.
But you know what I did want? More cum.