Ash nodded. The look on her face made me think that this so-called “murder room” was going to be haunting her dreams for quite some time. “We found the bathroom. And it was amazing. It was like the world’s fanciest locker room. Like the kind you'd find at some country club for billionaires. But then we got lost. And we somehow ended up in the basement in a huge stone room. There was a gryphon-shaped throne on one end. And tons of melted candles around an altar. I’m pretty sure they do human sacrifice there.”
“No way!” I said. “You found the legendary Gryphon Club sex altar.”
Ash’s eyes got even bigger. “Sex altar?”
“Yeah. Rumor ha
s it that they use it to induct new members.”
“Big gay gangbang?” asked Slavanka.
I laughed. “Maybe. But I’m pretty sure they watch new members bang girls. To build camaraderie.”
“What girls?” asked Ash. “Did we just narrowly miss getting kidnapped and becoming the Gryphon Club’s sex slaves? Wait! Why are we going to a sorority house? Please tell me that we haven’t been tasked with finding new sex slaves for them.”
“They don’t have sex slaves,” said Chad. “And we aren’t doing any human trafficking tonight.”
“Tonight?” asked Ash. “That kind of makes it seem like we’re just putting the kidnapping off until tomorrow.”
“Ash, no one is getting kidnapped tonight. Or ever.” The Locatelli’s had already tried to kidnap me once, and that hadn’t worked very well. I doubted they’d be back. “Now give me your thong.”
“What?” Ash’s face started to turn red.
“I need your thong. Hand it over.”
“I’m not…I don’t wear those.”
“Then what do you wear?”
“I prefer more coverage,” she whispered. “Thongs are a breeding ground for bacteria. They touch too much.”
Too much what? And what college girl didn’t own a drawer of thongs? We really needed to go shopping. I turned to Slavanka. “I need your thong then.”
“No thong.”
“Slavanka, it’s of the utmost importance.”
“No thong. Underwear waste of money.”
Seriously? What was wrong with my friends? It was like we were all in on honoring General Orville Thunderstick III. But no bother, I had a backup plan.
The limo pulled to a stop and we all got out in front of a rowhouse. A few Greek letters sat above the front door.
I rubbed my hands together. “Two cucumbers, a thong, and a dildo coming right up.” I started to walk to the door, but Chad grabbed my arm.
“You got us a ride here,” he said. “Now it’s our turn to work our magic.”
“Yeah,” agreed Scooter. He turned to Chad. “Think you can reach that second-floor window if I give you a lift?”
Chad laughed. “There’s no need to break in when you have a face like mine. Watch and learn.” Chad strode up to the door with so much swagger.
Is he actually gonna pull this off? I got as close as I could without it being obvious that I was listening.
He rang the doorbell and some sorority girl answered. “Yes?”
“Hey,” he said, casually leaning against the door jamb. “It’s your lucky day.”
She stared at him.