
“Yes, really.”

“So…that brings me to my next point. Can I please have my rings back? I feel like since you’ve been wearing yours and I don’t have mine that people think I’m your mistress or something. I don’t want there to be any more rumors about us ever again. And technically those are mine. You gave them to me.” I held out my hand out so he could place them in my palm.

“I’ve thought of a lot of ways to do this. Most of them didn’t involve you standing topless in front of me.”

“Oh. I can put…”

“No, this is a lot better than I ever imagined it.”

I smiled at him.

He scooted off the couch and got down on one knee in front of me. “I was going to wait until the end of the week to do this right. Let myself be stressed out and everything over your response. But you’ve made it pretty clear what your answer is going to be.”

I could feel tears welling in my eyes.

“I love you with all my heart. With every ounce of my being. And I don’t need to do this in the coffee shop. I don’t need to recreate the past. Our story was great. But our future is only just beginning. And I’m not going anywhere. No matter what life throws at us, all I know is that I want you by my side. You said it best. My heart beats for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out my rings. “Penny, will you do me the honor of continuing to be my wife?”

“A million times yes.”

He pulled me down into his arms.

“I’ve experienced life without you and it was a life not worth living,” I said as I nuzzled my face against his neck. “I don’t know how I ever forgot you because everything about you is unforgettable. I’ll love you until the day I die, way way in the future.”

I leaned back so he could slide my rings back where they belonged. I’d never take them off again. They were beautiful. And they were mine. We were finally back where we were supposed to be.

He captured my lips in a kiss that had my head spinning.

“Normally I’d pick you up and carry you to the bed, but I’m doing my best to follow the doctor’s orders.”

I laughed and looked behind me. “Well, how many times do you think Rob had sex on this couch?”

James made a gagging noise. “I don’t want to think about that.”

I laughed. “Me either.” I looked down at the fabric. “It’s been cleaned, right?”

He pulled me back into a kiss, pushing aside any thoughts I had of dirty couches.

Who the hell cared when the hottest guy on earth was right in front of them? I was pretty sure I could make love to him even if we were in a disgusting bathroom in a dingy bar. “I don’t care if it’s dirty,” I said and pulled on the front of his shirt so he’d follow me back up to the couch. “We’re about to make it dirtier, anyway.”

“God I love you.”

We fell together in a tangle of limbs onto the couch. I wanted a million more of these moments. Skin against skin. Sinful things whispered in my ear. I loved James Hunter. I loved him more than life itself. All the ups and down brought me to one conclusion every single time. I loved this man. Whether he was my professor, boyfriend, fiancé, boss, or husband. I loved him in every single form. He was my everything. And my heart truly did beat for him.

Chapter 20

Friday - Penny

Our few days in Newark had flown by. I had never been more in love with the man beside me. I was so blissfully happy. James and Liam had both been given the all-clear. We were going home today.

It felt like we were back where we started. Despite the changes around campus. I pulled James toward the strange new statue I had seen last time I was here.

“And this,” I said. “What the heck is this?” I gestured to the hideous thing.

“You don’t like change very much.”

“I don’t mind change if it makes any sense at all. But this thing ruined the aesthetic of this circle. Remember how you could go to the center and clap and it would echo?”