"I've never turned down ice cream before."

We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed two spoons. "Did you already have lunch? I'm sure we have something more substantial to go with this."

"We grabbed hot dogs on the way here. Scarlett insisted."

"Of course she did." We made our way into the family room. I took the top off the ice cream container as I sat down on the couch, and then I took a huge bite. "God, it's everything I've been craving and more."

Rob laughed as he took a bite. "It's good, but it's not orgasmic, Penny."

I shook my head and laughed. "It's all I've been craving since the wedding." I put my hand on the center of my chest.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I immediately removed my hand and took another bite. "I just have indigestion or something." I frowned at my own words. I had barely eaten anything in the past two days. What would I be having indigestion from? "Being pregnant sucks."

Rob laughed. "Daphne's getting into that phase too. Pregnant women. Ugh."

I lightly shoved his shoulder and tried not to wince at the pain that had now shifted to my stomach.

"Seriously, are you okay? You look really pale."

"Nothing a little ice cream can't fix." I took another bite and forced myself to swallow. Now I felt incredibly nauseous. "So what deal was James trying to land?"

Rob laughed. "How should I know?"

I set the pint of ice cream down on the coffee table. "Rob, you're the CEO. Shouldn't you know everything that's going on?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah, and I do." He said it a little defensively.

"Okay, so what deal is James trying to get for Hunter Tech in London?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Another pain shot through my stomach and I leaned forward slightly. "You asked him to go to London."

"What? No, I didn't. He's not there for Hunter Tech."

Ow. "What do you mean? Why else would he go to London?"

"I don't know. I thought it was for the university."

"He's not teaching an abroad program." I laughed awkwardly. "Seriously, Rob, why was he in London?"

"I don't know. But the paparazzi probably do." He picked up his phone and typed something in. He lowered both his eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He tried to move his phone away from me but I grabbed it.

He had done a Google image search. There were tons of images of James dining with some woman at an outdoor restaurant. Some gorgeous woman with long, brunette hair and skin that was too tan for London's dreary climate. "Who is this woman?" I asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen her before."

I laughed. "Is this some kind of weird joke, Rob? One of your pranks?" I stared at him hopefully and tried to ignore the pain in my chest. What the fuck was James doing with some beautiful woman in London? And why had he lied to me about it?

"I'm sure there's an innocent explanation," R

ob said. "He should be back pretty soon, right?"

I glanced at the clock. "In about an hour."