"How do you know?"
"I was trying to avoid my life. I was miserable. Every day I felt like I was suffocating. I needed an escape. But I'm happy now."
"Because of me? Or because of teaching? Or what?"
"It was my decision to come here."
"Because you walked in on Isabella..."
"Yes. But I came here for me. I'm living the way I want to live. I'm not answering to anyone else. I don't need an escape anymore."
"Isabella said you needed to get help."
"I've gotten help."
"So you're not addicted to drugs, or alcohol, or work, or...sex anymore?"
"No. I haven't been addicted to anything since I left the city. I was living a life that wasn't mine there. I was numb. Those things made me feel alive. They sustained me. They were a choice I could make for myself."
"So you chose to do them? That doesn't make you an addict, James. If you had control over your choices..."
"I couldn't stop, Penny. Whenever I was able to pull myself out of one thing, I just moved on to the next." His words hung in the air. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not addicted to you. I'm not going to move on. I need you in my life. I need you, Penny."
He needs me. All of his words now seemed to have a double meaning. But didn't I need him too? When he didn't talk to me for weeks I was a complete mess. My world had become isolated and cold. And I had hated it. I hated my life without him.
"Penny, I've made so many mistakes. But I was young and stupid."
"You're still young."
"Okay. But I'm not stupid anymore." He gave me a forced smile.
"Addicts are like...it's not something that goes away, is it?"
"No, it's not."
"So, how do you control it?" I felt stupid asking these questions. The age gap between us suddenly felt larger than before. He was an adult, with adult problems. All I was worried about was my next Stat test. And now him.
He lowered his eyebrows slightly. "My therapist helps me with that."
"You have a therapist?"
"I do." His eyes searched my face. "He doesn't think I'm addicted to you either."
"You talk about me?"
"He knows that you're dating a student?"
"Doctor patient confidentiality. He did advise me against it. I think he's glad that I ignored his advice though."
"I'm happier when we're together. Everyone can see that."
It was weird, standing in the rain so far apart. It made me feel so separate from him. I didn't like that feeling. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"Because I liked the way you looked at me. Like I was strong and in control. It made me feel like I could be those things for you. I thought everyone could see my demons when they looked in my eyes. You never did. You just saw me. I didn't want that to change."