I glared at her.

She glared back.

“Then text him,” I said.

“He can’t run and text.”

“You’re making excuses for him. I’m telling you that he…”

“James, I’ve been patient with you. But I will not have you stand in my home and insult my husband. And insult me. I’m sorry that you’re hurting. I’m sorry that Penny doesn’t remember you. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. If you’d like to talk about it, I’m here to listen. But if you say one more thing about Tyler I’m going to…punch you.”

“You’re going to punch me?” Was she serious? I just stared at her. All Stevenses were the worst. Even the ones that were married into the family.

“Yes. And it’s going to hurt. I have a mean left hook.” She held up her hand in perfect form. Most people who had never punched anyone would tuck their thumb underneath their other fingers. But she was doing it right. No thumbs would be broken if she decided to collide her fist into my jaw.

“My dad taught me how to defend myself. And I know to use words first, but you’re testing my patience. So you best be getting ready for a beat down if you say one more thing about Tyler.” She made a fist with her other hand too and started moving them in the air in a gesture that could only be seen as playful.

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The thought of her attacking me was too humorous.

And she started laughing too.

“I’m sorry, James.” She dropped her hands as she approached me. “Really, I can’t imagine the hell that you’re living. My heart aches for you.” She threw her arms around me. And for the second time tonight, I let myself be hugged by someone who had never hugged me before.

Hailey knew what it was like to lose everything she loved. Her father died a few years ago. He was her only family. Tyler was there to catch her when she fell from that loss. And it was fucked up of me to think that he’d suddenly stop being there for her. Just because Penny thought she was a teenager, it didn’t mean Tyler had suddenly forgotten the past several years. And he loved Hailey. I knew what love looked like. I used to have it. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she said into my chest. “I’m sorry I threatened to punch you.”

I laughed. “It’s okay.”

She dropped her arms from around me. “Wait, James, what if Penny isn’t with Tyler?”

I'd been so focused on her running to Tyler that I hadn’t even thought of that possibility.

“If she’s not with him, do you have any idea where she is? Let me try to call Tyler again.”

Where is she? The words echoed around in my head. Jesus, why hadn’t I even thought of that? Where the hell was my wife? “Call everyone we know. I’m gonna call the police.”

She didn’t tell me I was jumping to wild conclusions this time. She was on her phone faster than I was.

“Rob?” she said into her cell. “Is Penny there with you?” The brief pause seemed agonizingly long. She shook her head at me. “We think she’s missing.”

I had spent all this time thinking she was running back to Tyler. I had never even thought that there could be something worse. I never even considered the fact that there was a threat looming. Dr. Nelson was still out there. He had already tried to kill her once. And I wasn’t with her to protect her. There was nothing to stop him from trying again.


Chapter 4

Monday - Penny

There was a strange pressure building inside of my chest. It felt like I was about to cry. Why was I falling apart here? I had everything I wanted in this man. But what he had just done to me. The way he had made me feel. Now everything felt more real.

I quickly sat up and pulled my legs in, hugging them close. The tightness in my chest was growing. It felt like I was drowning. I took a deep breath to try to calm myself. What is wrong with me?

Professor Hunter sat up and cupped my chin in his hand. "Penny, what's wrong?" His brow was furrowed.

"Nothing." I blinked to try and remove the tears that were trying to fall. I hugged my legs tighter.

He rubbed the side of my chin with his thumb and didn't say a word. He looked truly concerned.