k and quickly brushed it away. “What changed?”
“They were too close to the problem. They were putting all their time and energy into the possibility of him being poisoned without really taking the time to study him. Also, Mrs. Hunter’s gynecologist was associated with that hospital. They were probably concerned about covering themselves in case of a lawsuit. Saying the worst is yet to come all along protected them from a worst case scenario.
“And despite everything he’s been through…I believe your son’s a fighter. He’s meant to be here. He truly has made a miraculous recovery. I’d let you take him home today, but I always like to be cautious. But Liam’s going to be okay.”
Liam’s going to be okay. It felt like I could breathe again. This time without concentrating so hard on it. “Thank you.” I stood up and outstretched my hand.
But before Dr. Hughes shook it, Penny practically tackled me in a hug.
“We’re going to get to bring him home.” I could barely understand her through her sobs. “He’s going to make a full recovery.” She pulled away from me. “A full recovery, right? That’s what all that means?”
Dr. Hughes smiled. “I believe so.”
“And he’s the best in his field, James. The best. If he thinks Liam is fine, then Liam is fine.” She let go of me and ran around the desk to hug Dr. Hughes. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
He laughed. “You’re welcome.”
I reached my hand out and this time he grasped it. “I don’t know how we can ever thank you enough.”
“It’s my job. The days I get to deliver good news are the ones I live for. I’ll give you two a minute.” He left us alone in his office.
I turned to Penny. “I don’t know if I should be jealous right now…you just said Dr. Hughes was the best and basically threw yourself into his arms. But I can’t stop smiling.”
“Liam’s going to be okay.” She wiped away her own tears, leaving nothing but a beautiful smile on her face.
“Our son’s going to be okay!” I lifted her up and twirled around in a circle.
Her laughter filled the room, intertwining with my own. My son was going to live. And I was going to be there right next to him for as long as humanly possible. I wasn’t going anywhere either. My son needed me. Who else was going to teach him how to throw a baseball? Or shave? Or tie a bowtie?
I let Penny’s body slide back down the front of mine. “He’s going to live.” I nestled my face in her hair and held her as we both smiled. And cried. And laughed until it hurt.
Chapter 19
Wednesday - Penny
I could have stayed in James’ arms for eternity and been perfectly happy. I kept laughing and sobbing and I couldn’t seem to stabilize my emotions no matter how hard I tried.
“I know Dr. Hughes said donations. With an s. You’re probably wondering about that. But I had to make another one of those to get us on his schedule. I think it was worth it. I know I should have asked you first. We usually make all our donation decisions together but…”
“Penny.” He grabbed both sides of my face, forcing my eyes to meet his. “Our son’s going to be okay. He’s going to live a long, healthy, normal life. There is no price I wouldn’t have been willing to pay to hear those words.”
And then I was crying again.
He ran his thumbs beneath my eyes to remove my tears. “I think we should go see him. Don’t you?”
“You mean our healthy, beautiful, perfect baby boy that we get to bring home in two days?”
“That’s the one.”
“I’m so glad we have one of those now. I mean…I knew he was beautiful and perfect. He looks just like you. But now he’s healthy too.” I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him, but he met me halfway. I melted into him. I was ecstatic. Thrilled. Completely over-the-moon. But my stress hadn’t been cut in half. My nerves hadn’t been sliced in two. It had all just attached itself to James. And now all my worries and fears could be focused. All my hope too. I knew he’d have results from his tests now. But I needed a minute to be joyous. Just one minute where it felt like everything was okay.
“He has your eyes though,” James said, pulling me out of my thoughts. “When you were unconscious and I couldn’t look into your eyes, I saw so much of you in him. And he makes the same noises as you do when you sleep. These adorable little moans.”
I laughed. “I don’t make noises when I sleep.”
He made a face that very much made it seem like he disagreed with me.
“I do not.” I lightly shoved his shoulder.