"Ellie!" Scarlett yelled as she ran into the foyer. "The ice cream is here!"

"Ice cream!" Axel and Sophie yelled in unison.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" I asked James as I got up off the floor. "They're going to be wired up all day."

"You try telling them no. It was three against two down here for a couple of hours. But now that you're up at least we won't be outnumbered."

I watched the kids run into the kitchen after Ellen. "Thanks for saving me a banana."

"Mhm." He placed a soft kiss against my lips as he pulled me back into his arms. "Ellen said she'd grab some more at the store too."

"Did you know you were still wearing this?" I asked and touched the silly pink necklace.

James laughed. "No. Do you like it?"

"I've never seen it worn better. So they're still refusing to learn the actual rules of Pretty Pretty Princess? It's just a free-for-all with jewelry?"

"They have no idea how to play, but Scarlett and Soph insist that it's their favorite game. I think they just like torturing Axel."

"Speaking of Axel. What did he whisper to Scarlett to calm her down? She's an extremely sore loser and I know she was about to throw a fit."

James laughed. "That kid's a bad whisperer. He said that she was the prettiest princess he ever saw."

"No way. Did he really?"

"That's a direct quote."

"Aw," I said. "That's the most adorable thing I've ever heard."

"Tyler can joke around all he wants about Scarlett being in love with his son. But that boy is just as smitten with her."

I laughed. "I think they make a cute couple."

"They're only three and a half."

"Exactly. And they're already perfect for each other."

James shook his head. "They're practically cousins. Axel calls us Uncle James and Aunt Penny. And Scarlett does the same with Tyler and Hailey."

"Oh, the forbidden nature of it all. Like that hasn't ever intrigued a girl?"

"They're three and a half," he said again. "I don't think they even know what forbidden means. Besides, Scarlett isn't allowed to date until she's 30."

I laughed. "If she was more like me you wouldn't have to worry so much. I didn't even have my first kiss until college."

"But then you started sleeping with your professor. You're a terrible influence."

"Me? I'm the one saying I'd be happy if she ended up with a boy we already know and love."

"Now that I know what it's like to have a daughter, I'm lucky your father didn't kill me. I'm going to want to murder anyone who even kisses Scarlett." He pulled away from me and reached up to unhook his necklace. "I'll be right back. I need to de-princess myself." He winked at me and disappeared back into the family room.

Chapter 17


I picked up the last slice of pizza and took a huge bite. "Today was way better than the beach. And honestly, I was craving this pizza, not Grottos."

"Really? Did you finally just admit that Grottos is second best to Totonno's Pizzeria?"