“You think you’re in love with me?”

I turned my attention back to the road. “Because I know it’s crazy to say it. I haven’t known you for very long.”

“Hmm. Well from one crazy person to another then…I think I’m in love with you too, Tucker.”

This wasn’t how this conversation was supposed to go down. There should have been roses and chocolates and a fancy dinner. Instead we were speeding through town in a getaway car. I couldn’t even kiss her. I couldn’t even really look in her eyes when I said it.

I pulled to a stop in front of Zeke’s school. “I’ll go grab him real quick.”

She put her hand on my arm to stop me. “Thank you for believing in me. That’s all I wanted.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine.

I didn’t want to move. I wanted to get lost in one moment with her without any complications. But my life had just become a pile of complications. And Damien had his phone. He knew where I was going. The cops would be here any second. I pulled away from her kiss. “I’ll be right back, okay?”

She nodded and put her hands up in front of the heater to warm them.

Getting Zeke out of school wasn’t easy until I flashed my badge. After that the principal did exactly as I said.

“I never get out of school early,” Zeke said as we walked down the hall together. “Except for that one time when Asher called me a loser and punched me. I got to leave early and stay home from school for two days.”

Violet hadn’t told me that any of the kids had gotten violent with Zeke. She should have told me. Maybe I could have acted on all this sooner. Maybe we’d already be long gone. I took a deep breath. All that mattered was that I was getting him and his mom out of this shithole. No one would mess with them again. We’d get a fresh start. I’d figure it out day by day, but I wouldn’t let them live like this anymore.

“Where are we going?” Zeke asked.

“A road trip with your mom.”

“A trip on the road? Cool!” He pushed open the front door of the school. “Do we get to sleep in the car? Or are we only on the road when we’re awake?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Well, I’m glad I brought my lizards to school with me today.” He patted his pockets with a smile on his face.

That kid was really bad at following his mother’s rules. I laughed. And then my feet stopped.

“Aren’t you coming?” Zeke asked as he turned around to look up at me. “It’s going to be so fun!”

“Yeah. I…” I stared at the spot where I had parked the car. It was empty. I had been dumped before. I had milked wounds for months. But in that second? I felt gutted. I was willing to risk everything for her. I was willing to give up my whole life. I didn’t know what true heartache was until that second. My chest physically ached.

“Come on,” Zeke said and tugged on my hand. He was pulling me away from the front of the school and toward the parking lot.

And that’s when I saw her. She was sitting in a beat-up Chevy truck that only looked a few years older than the one she owned. She was hot-wiring the freaking thing. I ran over with Zeke. My heart started to beat normally again. The ache subsided as quickly as it had come.

“Your car is too flashy,” she said as she played around with the wiring. “Besides, the cops will be looking for a Dodge Charger.” The car revved to life. “Do you want to drive or do you want me to?”

“You can drive.” I probably should have thought it was suspicious that she knew how to hot-wire a car. I was betting my whole life on the fact that she wasn’t a criminal. But I just found it incredibly sexy. After all, I wasn’t on the same side of the law anymore. I’d made my choice. I hoisted Zeke up into the truck and climbed up after him.

Violet leaned down and kissed Zeke on the top of his head. “Are you ready?” she asked and smiled over at me.

“Road trip!” Zeke yelled.

I smiled back at her. “I’m ready.”

“You’re sure?”

I had told Damien that I was sure Violet hadn’t committed the murders. But there was no such thing as 100 percent certainty. “I’m sure.” What could one last lie hurt?

Chapter 29
