“They don’t have the right lizard,” I said to prevent myself from saying anything stupid.
He glanced at the closest aquarium. “What about that one?” He pointed to one that looked nothing like Lizardopolous.
“It’s green.”
“I’m pretty sure that he was green when I saw him. He blended into the grass along the side of the road.”
I shook my head. “He changed colors all the time but he was mostly yellow and orange.” Tucker had no idea what he was talking about. “I should go talk to the owner. Maybe he’ll be able to remember what type he was.” I walked past Tucker, relieved to get a little bit of air. He was wearing down all my walls. Falling for someone wasn’t in the cards for me. It was as risky as fleeing my home for the big city. I needed to remember that I had secrets for a reason. Secrets I needed to keep if I wanted to keep my son.
Chapter 18
Watching my mother slowly die after months of useless chemo had been the hardest thing I’d ever done. The fact that there was nothing I could do to save her had killed me. I had never felt so useless in my life.
I hadn’t meant to tell Violet about my mother. Just talking about her brought all the memories swirling to the surface. But it was so easy to talk to Violet. I wanted her to know why I had moved here. It felt like she was my fresh start. Originally I thought it was this town, but when I was looking at her, I knew that wasn’t true. I had already broken the law for her. I should have turned her in for having an unregistered gun in her possession but I hadn’t even considered it.
She was fighting whatever this was between us, I could tell. But I wasn’t going anywhere. I was going to be there for her and her son. No, I didn’t make a habit of dating single moms. Honestly I had never dated one before. Violet didn’t even remind me that much of my mother. But I was drawn to her regardless. I felt like I was supposed to be here. Like I had come in just the right moment when she needed me.
I turned to look in the aquarium. I hadn’t gotten a great look at Zeke’s lizard when I was throwing it into the woods. But I knew it was green. There were a few possibilities here. I squinted my eyes at one of the lizards in the corner of the aquarium. He looked about the right size at least.
“Yes, it was two years ago,” Violet said.
I looked up to see her and a man walking over to the aquariums. He was walking so far away from her in the aisle that it looked like he was about to run into the feed on the shelves.
It was shocking how rude the woman in the mall had been. She had basically made it seem like Violet was out to kill her child, which was ridiculous. This man was no different. They were all scared of her. Normal rumors about your looks or something like that would be hard to swallow, but they'd be bearable. But rumors that you were violent? The phrase sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you did not apply. I couldn’t imagine what it was like for her to live here. No wonder she preferred not to leave the house. I wanted her to feel safe with me. I wasn’t going to hurt her.
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember,” the store clerk said. “I sell dozens of them a week. Are you sure it was even me who sold it to you?”
“Yes, of course I’m sure.”
The man responded with a shrug.
“Could you at least tell me which lizards are usually yellow and orange though? Ours was usually those colors.”
“It all depends on what they’re near.”
“So you have no idea what kind of lizard he was?”
“I’m sorry. My manager will be in tomorrow if you want to talk to him.”
Violet sighed. “No, I can’t wait. Tucker, which one did you say looked like him?”
I pointed to the one I had just been looking at.
Violet leaned down to study him. “I should have paid better attention. I honestly have no idea if he looks anything like Lizardopolous."
The store clerk laughed. “Cute name.”
Violet ignored him and stared at the new lizard. “We’ll take this one,” she said. “God I hope you’re right.” Her eyes met mine. “Do you think Zeke will be able to tell the difference?”
“Hopefully he’ll just be happy to have him back.”
She nodded her head. “I hope you’re right.” She watched as the man pulled the requested lizard out of the aquarium. “He’s too young to learn about death, you know? I want to protect him as long as I can. He still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I don’t want him to know how horrible the real world is.”
“It’s going to be okay. He won’t be able to tell the difference.” I didn’t know for sure, but if we were both there to pretend this new lizard was the real deal, hopefully Zeke would believe us.
A few minutes later the clerk handed us a small plastic container with a brand spanking new lizard.