“I don’t mind.” I glanced at her truck. I could fix appliances around the house, but I honestly didn’t know a thing about cars. I’d call Damien later to come check it out. He’d be able to get it started.
She started walking toward my car. “We have to hurry. The stores get crowded around lunchtime.”
“And?” I unlocked my car for her.
“And I don’t play nice with others.” She opened up the passenger side door and climbed in without another word.
She didn’t play nice with most people. But I was pretty sure I was wearing her down. Her eyes were glued to her window when I got in the car.
“What happened to your last coat?” I asked as I started the car and drove down her driveway.
She didn’t turn her attention back to me. She just stared out the window at the passing trees. “I lost it a few days ago.”
“You lost it? Where?”
“I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you.”
“Of course I’d believe you.”
She finally turned to me. Both her eyebrows were raised, like she thought what I said was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard. I knew why she was skeptical. This was my chance to clear the air with her. Before I could open my mouth though, she started talking.
“I don’t think you’ve believed anything I’ve said since we’ve met. But I get it. No one trusts me.” She looked back out her window. “And you certainl
y wouldn’t believe how I lost my jacket.”
“I’m sorry, Violet. You have every reason to be upset with me. I tried to tell myself I was so focused on you because I thought you were linked to the case. But I think we both know that wasn’t why I kept coming around. If anything, I was just trying to make sure you were in the clear. I never wanted you to be guilty. I just had to make sure. It’s my job.”
“You pretended to like me so you could look around my house. And I was too sick to even realize what was going on. You took advantage of me.”
“I messed up. But I never pretended to like you.”
“Right.” She was tapping her index finger against her thigh. “Look, I’ve had a really crappy morning, Detective Reed. Do you mind if we just drive in silence?”
This apology was not going the way I intended. “I meant that…”
“Please just stop. I didn’t call you because I wanted to be friends or make awkward pointless small talk. I called you because I had no other options. Zeke needs a replacement lizard and you have a car. End of story. Turn right here.”
I had felt good ever since I had gotten her voicemail. She had said she needed me. But I guess she just needed a lift. All I was to her was a chauffeur? I glanced at her before pulling out onto the main road. She was tapping her thigh faster now, like she was upset. This was a communication issue. A trust issue. And I knew exactly how to fix it. I hit my turn signal, but instead of turning right, I turned left.
Chapter 17
Detective Reed turned left like the incompetent jerk that he was. I was still fuming from his lame attempt at an apology. I was embarrassed enough about the fact that I thought he liked me. He didn’t have to rub in the fact that he didn’t. His mother clearly hadn’t taught him any manners.
“Where are you going? I said right.”
He ignored me.
“The pet store is at the mall.” I glanced at his dashboard to see the time. “Seriously, it’s past eleven. It’s going to be so crowded if we don’t get there soon.”
He didn’t answer my very reasonable rebuttal to whatever the hell he was doing. I could feel the same hysteria rising like it had earlier this morning. “Please, please, please.”
He didn’t respond.
“Please, please, please.” Houses started to blur together. “Please, please, please.” I couldn’t stop saying the words. Over and over and over again. “Please, please, please.”
“Violet?” He sounded far away.