He slammed my back against the wall. “Ow.” And in that one second, I ruined everything. Don’t stop. The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I didn’t have time to say them before he released my thighs. I slid down his chest. God, why did I have to spoil that perfect moment?

“I’m sorry.” His voice was strained. “Ice. As much as I want more, ice is the reason why we’re here.” He reached around me and switched on the lights.

His lips were slightly swollen from our kiss. It just made them look more kissable.

He took a step back from me. “You shouldn’t even be walking, Addy. What happened to the crutches I gave you?”

“I didn’t want to make a scene at the meeting tonight.” So much for that. “Did anyone say anything when I left?”

“They were in a deep debate about leaf raking etiquette. I don’t think anyone noticed that we left. Make yourself comfortable. I’m going to get you some ice.”

We. That’s the word that went round and round in my head as he left me in his foyer. How badly I wanted to be a we again. I looked right toward the living room I had already been in. I wanted to see his world. Besides, the pain was minimal. My want for him outweighed it twofold.

I limped into the dining room. It was as barren as his living room. White walls. A solid oak table that looked like it had never been used. I walked through the room and into a hallway. The kitchen was to the right. I could hear the fridge door close. I turned left and wandered into his family room.

I smiled when I saw the blue throw blanket on his couch. It was the first touch of color in the place. And I had just learned that it was his favorite. The couch was black leather, which in itself screamed bachelor pad more than the white one in the other room. There were still no pictures on the wall, but there was a shelf full of movies. I limped over to it.

The titles were all comedies, action, dramas, and classics. Not a single romance in the mix. I ran my fingers along their spines. For someone who said they wanted more than a game, he didn’t seem that interested in the more. Although, what real man curled up alone and watched The Notebook? Besides, love like that wasn’t real. It was fiction for a reason.

My elbow knocked into something and I grabbed it before it had a chance to topple over. Huh. I stared down at the binoculars. I had never even held a pair before. I lifted them up to my eyes and turned to the window. It was too dark to see anything.

“Searching for something in particular?”

I jumped at his voice. “No.” I set the binoculars down a little too hard and they banged against the wooden shelf. “Not at all.” I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He had caught me snooping. But he didn’t look upset. His smile was easy. If anything he looked like he was expecting me to snoop around.

“You can see deer sometimes in the woods.” He reached around me and lifted the binoculars up. He hit a switch on the side and handed them back to me. “But you have to use the night vision.” He turned the light off in the room and we were once again in darkness.

“Really?” I put them back up to my eyes. The woods were suddenly alive in a neon green glow. They didn’t seem so scary in the glow. Maybe I needed to get myself a pair of these. It would put me at ease to be able to see through the trees at night. “That’s so cool.”

He laughed. “See any deer?”

I looked to the left and then to the right. I could see my backyard, just barely in the distance. If I played around with the settings I might be able to see it really well. Which meant I’d be able to see his yard from my house. I shook away the thought and handed the binoculars back to him. I didn’t want to spy on Ben. I wanted to spend time with him. “Nope, no deer.”

He switched the lights back on. “Maybe next time.” He placed the binoculars back where I had found them.

I liked the idea of there being a next time. “You have quite the movie collection.” I wasn’t sure why, but I was suddenly nervous. I turned away from him and scanned the titles again.

“We can watch one while we eat if you’d like.”

“Dinner and a movie? That’s quite the first date, Mr. Jones.” My words hung awkwardly in the air. “Unless this isn’t…I didn’t mean…”

He placed his hand on my waist as he stepped beside me. “I wasn’t answering because I was trying to think of what would make the perfect date movie.” His fingers slid slightly down my hip as he leaned forward to look at the movies.

“Oh.” It came out as a sigh. I had no control over myself around him.

“Are there any you haven’t seen?”

I couldn’t stop staring at him. My eyes were fixated on the 5 o’clock shadow along his jaw. I wanted to rub my palms along it. I had been too busy pulling him closer in the foyer to take the time to touch his jaw. To keep my hands busy, I reached out and pulled a movie off the shelf without looking. “How about this one?”

He looked down at the movie and then back at me. “You haven’t seen Rocky? Are you kidding me right now?”

I looked down at the movie in my hand. Actually, I had never seen Rocky. “Nope. Never.”

“Well, you have to see it. It’s a classic.” He walked over to the TV.

“It’s hardly a classic. Anything in color isn’t a classic.”

He shook his head as he hit play. “Maybe this is where our age difference plays a bigger role.”