“I didn’t say that.” I kind of had. His stupid disguise was distracting me. “I’m definitely not doing it this weekend, so you don’t need to worry.”

“We’re leaving right now. Before he gets here. Walk out of the back of the restaurant and get in my truck. We’re going to the police station.”

For a stalker, he was pretty bad at stalking. “He’s already here. And I am not going to the police station.” I turned away from him and washed my hands, hoping he’d leave me alone.

Instead he walked over to me, sandwiching me between him and the sink. I could barely turn around to face him.

“We’re leaving right now.”

“You can’t tell me what to do!” I was breathing too fast. The anger coursed through me. I could make my own damned decisions. Why did everyone always try to make up my mind for me? I tried to shove him away from me.

He didn’t move, but his gaze softened. “I’m asking you to come with me, Addy. Please.”

“To turn myself in? I don’t think so.” I shoved him again but he grabbed my hands. I struggled against his grip until suddenly I wasn’t struggling at all. I was pulling him closer. My anger had completed transformed to lust. And God, I wanted him.

His mouth paused a fraction of an inch in front of mine. “Please, just walk out that door with me. I’ll protect you.”

I laughed. This time when I moved back, he let me slide from his grip. “What are you really doing here, Ben? Just say it. You think I’m crazy and you’re worried I’m going to murder my husband.” He should be worried. But I hated that he thought of me that way. I thought he liked me. I wanted to scream, but I didn’t want anyone to hear us.

“I don’t think you’re crazy for wanting to do that. He hurts you. It’s normal to want to hurt him back. But that’s not why I’m here.”

“Then why? Don’t you have a date with Sally Ann, the doctor that’s apparently perfect for you? I have to ge

t back to my husband before he comes wandering back here.”

He grabbed my shoulder. “Yes, okay? I’m worried that you’ll do something that will get you sent to prison rather than him. Take the tape off the cameras. Let me help you.”

“I don’t need anyone’s help. Especially not some 23 year old boy who doesn’t actually give a shit about…”

His mouth was on mine. He pushed my back against the dirty bathroom wall. How could I not kiss him back? I was falling for him. All I wanted was to spend the rest of my days kissing this man. Even if his fake mustache tickled my upper lip in the most annoying way.

I could taste his anger on my tongue. I could feel it in the way he was holding me. In the way that his fingers tugged at my hair. Anger wasn’t love. But it was an emotion I understood. And I was getting drunk on his anger.

He pulled away far too soon. “Tell me I don’t like you, Addy. Tell me you can’t feel this.”

“That’s the problem, Ben. I do feel it.” I was seconds away from crying. “And I don’t deserve it. And we both know you could do better.” I unlocked the door but he grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving.

“Addy, I know how I feel. And you’re lying to yourself if you think this isn’t real.”

I’ve told myself so many lies that I don’t even know what’s true anymore. I tilted my head slightly to the side as I studied him. Did he realize that? That I didn’t even know if this conversation was real or if it was in my head?

“I know he has something on you,” he said. “It’s why you won’t leave. But it doesn’t mean the police won’t believe your story.”

I shook my head. He really didn’t understand. “It’s not just one thing, Ben.”

“Yeah, I kind of gathered that. Your basement looks like a freaking serial killer’s lair.” He smiled, but I didn’t find his joke funny at all.

“I’m glad you find my issues hilarious.”

His smile vanished. “That’s not what I meant. But if the police saw all those records…”

“You were supposed to keep your eyes closed.”

“It was a little hard not to see any files when there were thousands.”

“Just stop, okay?” No one needed to tell me how many problems I had. I was well aware of my own shortcomings. And I knew what was in each of those damn files. “It’s not your problem. I’m not your problem.”

“You are my problem, Addy! Why won’t you believe me when I tell you that I like you?”