“I was worried, Adeline. After you scadoodled out of the meeting the other day.”

Who talks like that? “I’m fine. Thanks.” My fingers gripped the door harder. Please just go away.

“I know you don’t have many other friends in the neighborhood t

o check in on you. You know that you’re always welcome at my place. Or maybe the girls and I could come here sometime?”

She looked over my shoulder like she was trying to study my foyer. I wasn’t an idiot. There was nothing remotely interesting in my foyer. Such a thing would lead to a discussion. I hated discussions. So my foyer was barren. The thought rolled around in my head. Why had I used such a horrid term. I cringed, trying to focus on the conversation.

“Sure,” I said. “Some other time. As you know, I haven’t been feeling well.”

“Us girls were thinking next week? Maybe Wednesday afternoon before the civic association meeting? It’ll be fun.”

The way she said it made it seem like it would be anything but. And who invited themselves to someone’s house? For such a perfect housewife, she was rather rude. “Um…I guess,” I said.

“Oh great.” The fake smile returned to her face. “It’s a date then. Also, could I speak with Ben?”

I felt faint. I knew she knew. Oh God. “Ben? Ben who?”

“Ben Jones. Your gardener.”

“Oh.” I laughed. “I had forgotten his name. He’s not here.”

“Of course he is. That’s his truck, isn’t it?” She pointed over her shoulder.

I leaned out and looked at the driveway. Sure enough, Ben’s truck was parked right in the middle of my driveway. Like he freaking lived at my house. Why the hell is his truck here? I had told him to come around back. He knew I was married. What was he doing? I had just smoothed everything over with the gawkers. And now this? There was no coming back from this.

“Oh, silly me,” I said. “He’s fixing my…water heater. It’s all…broken. I completely forgot he was even here.” Why did I pick the one piece of equipment in this house that I knew nothing about?

“That’s so nice of him. Could I speak with him for a moment?”

“What about?”

“About Sally Ann of course.”


“The girl I’m trying to set him up with. Sally’s daughter.”

“Her daughter’s name is Sally Ann?” Was she joking?

“No, actually it’s Sally just like her lovely mother. Her middle name is Ann. She’s just always gone by both. I guess it made things easier growing up.”

“Mhm.” How stupid.

“So, can I speak with him?” Charlotte asked.

“He’s pretty busy fixing that water heater. It’s not much use when it doesn’t…heat.” I sounded so dense.

“It’ll just take a minute.” She walked past me into my house.

Maybe I was born to be a gawker. Because I was certainly gawking at her.

“Ben!” she called.

The last thing I needed was her to see my basement too. “I’ll go grab him. Wait here one sec.” I hobbled down the hall an turned the corner to the basement stairs.

Ben was still standing there, holding the banister. His eyes were closed and there was pure amusement on his face. He had clearly heard our whole conversation. At least someone was finding it humorous.